Astronomy Exam 2


75 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is longitude
Tells where one is east to west.
Longitude ranges?
Ranges from 0 at the prime meridian to 180 at the international date line with an east and west designation respectively
What is latitude?
Tells where one is north to south
Latitude ranges?
From 90S at the South Pole to 0 at the Equator to 90N at the North Pole
Tropic of cancer
Which marks the northern boundary of the tropics
Tropic of capricorn
Which marks the southern boundary of the tropics
Arctic circle
For the northern region where during one day each year the sun wont rise. -66.5degreesN
Antartic circle
For the southern region where during one day each year the sun wont rise. 66.5degreesS
Important latitudes
North pole- 90N
artic circle-66.5N
tropic of cancer-23.5N
tropic of capricorn-23.5S
antartic circle-66.5S
south pole-90S
Tells how far north and south a star is on the celestial sphere. it ranges from -90 at the south pole to 0 at the celestial equator to 90 at the north celestial pole
Right ascension
Tells where east and west a star is on the celestial sphere. it ranges from 0 hours at the vernal equinox point all the way up to 24 hours
Causes the direction of the north celestial pole to point to slowly vary with time
The apparent path of the sun in the sky
Vernal equinox
0 degrees and o hours which is the equator point. the day the sun crosses this point.
Summer solstice
23.5 degrees and 6 hours is the highest point of the ecliptic. the day the sun crosses this point