Astronomy Ch.1-4 Test

These are off my notes from the first four chapters of my ASTRO class. Suck it.

52 cards   |   Total Attempts: 200

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Aristotle claimed the earth was ________, but that the heavens were _______.
Imperfect, perfect
What is one AU?
The distance from the earth to the sun (approximately 150 million km)
What is one light year?
The distance light travels in one year
What is today's definition of a constellation?
Well defined regions of the night sky
The Big Dipper is an example of a(n) _________.
Asterism (portion of a constellation)
What is the Celestial Sphere?
The appearance of the the stars from earth.
The ______ star is the brightest star in a constellation.
The brightest stars are part of the ________ magnitude, and the the faintest stars visible to the naked eye are part of the _______ magnitude.
First, sixth
First magnitude stars are _______ times brighter than sixth magnitude stars.
One hundred
Stars become _______ times brighter with each increase in magnitude.
What is the relationship between magnitude and brightness of a star?
The smaller the magnitude, the brighter the star.
What is a zenith?
The highest point in the celestial sphere
What is a nadir?
The lowest point in the celestial sphere
What is the celestial equator?
Earth's equator projected out into space
What is the celestial north pole?
Earth's north pole projected out into space