Astronomy Blows 3

This is the third set for my Astro final.  The test is really gonna suck.

40 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The universe in expanding because
Space itself is expanding carrying the galaxies (or clusters of galaxies) with it
What is "cosmological redshift"?
The stretching of the wavelengths of photons as the travel through expanding space
The Hubble Classification for a very flat elliptical galaxy is
Synchrotron radiation is produces
Whenever electrons move in spirals in a magnetic field
If the universe is unbounded it will
Expand forever
If space is flat, what is the future of the universe?
It will barely expand forever, reaching zero expansion speed after infinite time
What was the COBE satellite designed to measure?
The cosmic microwave background radiation
The observational fact the convinces astronomers that the source of energy in a typical quasar is physically very small is
The rapid variation of the intensity of the source
In the 1970's, it was discovered that among spiral galaxies, the wider the 21cm radio emission line is, the brighter the galaxy. What name is given to this relation?
Tully-Fisher relation
Edwin Hubble first showed that recessional speeds of galaxies
Increase with increasing distance from earth
Elliptical galaxies contain primarily what type of stars?
Pop II, low mass, long-lived stars
The "central engine" of an active galaxy appears to be
A supermassive black hole at the center of an accretion disk, with jets of material being ejected perpendicular to the disk.
This is NOT a characteristic of elliptical galaxies
They have a disk and central bulge, but no spiral arms
Cosmologists study
The origin, structure, and evolution of the universe.
In relation to the universe, isotropic means
The expansion is the same in all directions