Asepsis & Infection Control

For Exam #1

30 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is an infection?
The disease state as a result of a pathogen in or on the body.
What is the Cyclic Process with 6 components?
1. Infections Agent2. Reservoir3. Portal of exit4. Means of Transmission5. Portals of Entry6. Susceptible host
What are the 4 prevalent infections agents?
1. Bacteria: gram + or -. If it needs O2 to survive it is aerobic, anaerobic if not.2. Virus - not treatable3. Fungus - plant like organism (mold, wring worm or yeast)4. Protozoa
What is needed to cause disease?
1. Certain # of organisms2. Need virulence (ability to cause disease)3. Length of contact (amount of intimacy)4. Individuals immune system competence
What is the reservoir?
Place where organism grows and multiplies. Examples: humans, animals, food, water, soil, inanimate objects. (Humans can show SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS or they can just be a CARRIER.
What must a reservoir have in it?
Food, oxygen, water, temp, pH and darkness. A medium for bacteria to grow: warm, moist, dark.
What are some examples of portals of exits in humans (usually point of entry too)?
Mucous membranes, respiratory tract, urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system, blood, tissue.
What are the means of transmission?
1. Contact - direct and indirect2. Air - Dust and droplet (sneezing)
What are some vehicles in the chain of infection?
Contaminated items: blood, water and food.
What are some vectors in chain of infection?
External and internal transmission.
What are some factors to being a susceptible host for an infection?
1. Non-intact skin/ mucous membranes2. Abnormal pH levels3. Abnormal WBC count4. Personal factors - hereditary issues, age, sex and race5. Lack of immunizations
What are some factors that influence susceptibility to being a host for infection?
1. Lifestyle habits - smoking, poor nutrition, poor hygiene2. General habits3. Stress - decreases normal defense mechanisms4. Invasive or indwelling medical devices - catheter, pacemaker, PICC lines, IV's, insulin pumps, and fistulas
What are the stages of infection?
1. Incubation: interval between pathogens invasion of body and appearance of signs of infection2. Prodromal stage: most infectious period. Early signs or symptoms, but they can be vague and non-specific. 3. Illness: specific signs and symptoms that indicates full stage of illness (Signs and symptoms can be localized or systemic - throughout the entire body)4. Convalescence: healing stage
What are the body's defenses to infections?
1. Normal flora - keeps bacteria from invading body (ex. GI tract)2. Organ system defenses3. Inflammatory response4. Immune response
What is inflammation?
Protective mechanism to neutralize, control or eliminate an organism. During this stage, fluid, blood and nutrients come to site of initial invasion. This allows tissue to repair.