Art Education 1600 Flashcards

Study, learn and revise about Art Education 1600 with our quiz based flashcards. Here re the key terms, definitions, words, and much more related to the topic of Art Education 1600, which is simple and easy to learn with our flashcards. ​

95 cards   |   Total Attempts: 185

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How was the music duplicated and distributed before the development of recordings?
Printed on sheet music
Which groups were stereotyped as producers of vaudeville?
· Both Jewish and Catholic’s
What kinds of entertainment were frequented mostly by working class in the early 20th century?
· Vaudeville and burlesque
Duchamp’s nude descending a staircase was objectionable to traditional minds because..?
· It broke with classical forms of figure in visual art
Which ways do technologies effect art forms
· Technologies change music
What were the first hand held devices for hearing mass produced music recordings?
· The wireless
What did Marinetti mean by the wireless imagination?
· Words free of structure of grammar and syntax
What do communities have to do with art forms
They are sources of cultural production
What was the name of the art exhibition that broke traditions in the visual arts
The international exhibition of art in America
What choice talks about the way we consider elements of an art form
How they move and relationship among elements
If we say that a painting of flowers is actually an image and not flowers what term are we talking about?
A simulacra
What did Marinetti call a page format of randomly formatted and placed text?
For what characters is Frank Baum famous?
Dorothy and the wizard
What choice characterizes physical space?
Measured time and space
What do communities have to do with art forms?
They are sources of cultural protection