Causes and Effects of the Temperance Movement Flashcards

Are you looking to learn about the causes and effects of the temperance movement using flashcards? You are in luck as the flashcards below are perfect for ensuring that you get the full scope about the time when alcohol consumption is seen as a major vice. All the best, and feel free to take as much time as you need in each card.

98 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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Sexual differences were strongly emphasized in 19th century America because...
The Market economy increasingly seperated men and women into distinct economic roles.
The Second Great Awakening tended to...
Widen the lines between classes and regions.
By the 1850s, the crusade for women's rights was eclipsed by...
As a revivalist preacher, Charles Grandison Finney advocated...
Public prayer by womenPerfect Christian kingdom on EarthOpposition to alcoholOpposition to slavery
Temperance movement...
Religiouscrime and poverty was caused by alcoholWomen were actively involvedwould later turn into a national movement
The Oneida colony declined due to
Widespread critisizm of its sexual practices
Womens rights terms and people
Declaration of sentimentsElizabeth Cady StantonSusan B. AnthonySeneca Falls Convention
The Hudson River school excelled in the art of painting...
The Second Great Awakening...
1. resulted in the conversion of countless souls2. encouraged a variety of humanitarian reforms3. was a reaction against the growing liberalism in religion4.Strengthened democratic denominations like baptists and methodists
By 1850, Religion in America...
Had lost some of its austere Calvinist rigor
Tax supported public education...
Was deemed essential for social stability and democracy
Reasons for increased exposure to education
1. create a working political system2. counter domination of capital and labor3. create a stable social society and values4. promote protestant values
Religious revivals of the second great awakening resulted in
A strong religious influence in many areas of american life
One strong prejudice inhibiting women from obtaining a higher education in the early 19th century was the belief that
Too much learning would injur women's brains and ruin their health
Most of the utopian communities in pre 1860 America held _________________ as one of their founding ideals.
Cooperative social and economic practices