APUSH Chapter 20


31 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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New Manifest Destiny
American attention shifted to foreign lands Frederick Jackson Turner (1890s) ~ produced fears that natural resources would soon dwindle - depression & social movements --> improve foreign affairs, importance of foreign trade increases (fear that European imperialism will leave Americans out of spoils)
John Fiske
English-speaking people would dominate every land that wasn't already the seat of an "established civilization" - destined to force their influence on other parts of the world
Josiah Strong Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis (1885)
Anglo-Saxon "race" represented civil liberty & pure Christianity - divinely commissioned to spread them
John Burgess
- duty of Anglo-Saxons = most politically talented (to uplift less fortunate people)
Alfred Thayer MahanThe Influence of Sea Power Upon History (1890)
- countries w/ great sea power = the great nations of history --> US is great (bounded by 2 oceans) - US needed: productive domestic economy, foreign commerce, two-ocean navy, and colonies for raw materials, markets, and navy bases - wanted to claim Pacific Islands & Hawaii
Venezuela-England Boundary Dispute (1895)
- dispute border between British Guiana and Venezuela --> Sec. of State Blaine had called for Pan-American Congress - Sec. of State Richard Olney charged that British was violating Monroe Doctrine when they refused to meet for council - Cleveland --> special commission to determine border (if British resist the decision, war with England)
Great Reproachment
- evolving relationship between US and England - realization that they share a lot
Importance of Hawaii
- Pearl Harbor ~ strategic position - price of sugar from Hawaii decreasing --> US wants to annex it to avoid tariffs - great stopping place for trade ships
Importance of Samoan Islands
- under the influence of US, GB, and Germany - each wanted a part of the strategic trading spot - US wanted the harbor of Pago Pago
Causes of Imperialism
- yellow journalists - New Navy policy (Mahan) - European imperialism in Africa - Social Darwinism/eugenics
Causes of Spanish American War
- "Yellow journalists" - McKinley - de Lome letter - Maine incident (de Lome letter & Maine incident ~ used as propaganda to support the war) - Manifest Destiny ~ America still wanted to expand (divine connection = justification for expansion) - Teller Amendment
Yellow Journalism
1895: renewed rebellion grows in Cuba - i.e. Pulitzer's New York World and Hearst's New York Journal dramatize the situation - Spanish general Weyler depicted as brutal - aroused public support for a war to liberate Cuba from Spanish control - jingoism: extreme patriotism
Cuban Revolt (1895)
- cause: deteriorating economic conditions due to the high Wilson-Gorman Tariff (cut off American market from Cuba) & Spanish concentration camps - Cuban immigrants in NY area --> Cuban Revolutionary Party to encourage American intervention - publicized Jose Marti (killed in battle) - Cleveland did nothing (even tried to quell the movement) - American motivation: huge sugar exports from Cuba (powerful economic motive)
De Lome Letter
- angered American public - Spanish minister to Washington Dupoy de Lome's letter was intercepted in Cuba & turned over the America - showed Spanish belief that McKinley was weak & wanted public support
Maine incident
- a ship called Maine in the Havana harbor blew up supposedly b/c of an external submarine mine --> killed 260 people - actually b/c of an internal accident in the engine - Last attempt to avoid conflict: McKinley asks Spain to agree to armistice with the revels and an end to the concentration camps - Spain refuses --> WAR