Chapter 17. V ocab and More

23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Front Back
Plains Indians
-largest indian group -nomadic -dependent on bison -society well made
William E. "Bufflo Bill" Cody
Famous Scout and Indian Fighter -killed 43, 000 buffalo to feed railroad workers
Fort Larmie Treaty
Indians agreed to move to reservations in prestant-day South Dakota in return for money and provisions.
Edmund-Tucker Act
Dissolved Chuch coroporation (Mormon) , limited its assets to $50,000, aboished women's rights and put its properties and funds into receivership.
White Caps
Mexican-American ranchers organized themselves into a vilgiante group called Las Gorras Blancas or....
Comestock Lode
Territory along Carson's River in Nevade discovered by Henery Comestock for mining.
Cattle Drives
Ranchers who rasied cattle for money.
Nat Love
Big Time cattle driver. Known for being a party animal and first colored man to do so well. Became Deadeood Dick.
Curtis Act
Abolished goverments and took away Indian territory.
Wild West Show
Edmard Judson wrote in BuffloBill: King or the Border Men. He then made shows off this dime-novel hero. They pretend to have fights with indians and this became "cowboys"
Owen Wister
Wrote the Virginian Showed a heroic cowboy and also was first to show what real "cowboys" did
John Wesley Powell
Pushed for water and irragation in the West. Mayor
Yellowstone National Park
General Henry D. Washburn visted the park and pushed Congress to save it.
George Perkins Marsh
Wrote Man and Nature push for society to understand nature
John Muir
Leader of Sierra Club to encourage the enjoyment of nature.