Units 1

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Before the Arrical of Columbus, most native people were
Living in small scattered communities
The guarantee that English settlers in the New World would retain English rights was
The foundation for American liberties
Unlike Separatists, Puritans were
Remaining with the Church of England
After the Pequot War, Puritan efforts to convert Indians to Christianity were
As a result of the French and Indian War, Britain became
The dominant power in North America.
Men in more settled agricultural tribes in North America did most jobs except for
Tending crops
Major Exports of the Carolinas were
Rice and Indian slaves
Length of the French/Indian War
A country's power is measured in gold and silver, and a country must export more than it imports to gain wealth.
Proclamation of 1763
Restricted the colonists, no settlement past the Appalachians.
Navigation Laws of 1650
All trade done with Britain, products sold exclusively to Britain. Colonies smuggled goods as a result.
Grenville Acts
Sugar Act: Raised taxes on West Indies sugar, other goods.Quartering Act: Colonists had to feed a shelter any British soldiers.Stamp Act: Colonists had to put taxed stamps on any official documents
Townshend Acts
Taxes put on paper, glass, paint, and tea. These taxes were also the salaries of British officials in America.
Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts)
Boston Port Act: Closed Boston Port in retaliation to Tea PartyRestrictions put on colonial politics.Quebec Act: Britain gave Canadians (Catholic French) some land and rights in America.
Committees of Correspondence
Democratic groups in the colonies, discussed Revolutionary ideas, evolved into the first American Congresses.