Apologia Biology Module 7 Words Flashcards

Expand your Apologia Biology Module 7 Vocabulary words with the fun and easy method of Flashcards activity. Practice the best and important Apologia Biology Module 7 Vocabulary with us. Learn with fun and with ease and get the best vocabulary of the Apologia Biology Module 7 with Flashcards.

23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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The science that studies how characteristics get passed from parent to offspring
Genetic factors
The general guideline of traits determined by a person's DNA
Messenger RNA
The RNA that performs transcription
Spiritual factors
The factors in a person's life that are determined by the quality of his or her relationship with God
A section of DNA that codes for the production of a protein or a portion of protein, thereby causing a trait
A three-nucleotide base sequence on tRNA
A sequence of three nucleotide bases on mRNA that refers to a specific type of amino acid
DNA coiled around and supported by proteins, found in the nucleus of the cell
A process of asexual reproduction in eukaryotic cells
The time interval between cellular reproduction
The region that joins two sister chromatids
Mother cell
A cell ready to begin reproduction, containing duplicated DNA and centrioles
The figure produced when the chromosomes of a species during metaphase are arranged according to their homologous pairs
Diploid cell
A cell with chromosomes that come in homologous pairs
Haploid cell
A cell that has only one representative of each chromosome pair