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Persian EmpireChapter 4, Unit 1
A. starting from 500 C.E the largest and most impressive empire of the worldB. made from indo-European people in Iranian Peninsula north of the Persian gulfC. Imperial system drawn up Assyrian and Babylonian empire and under Cyrius and Darius
Athenian DemocracyChapter 4, Unit 1
A. Made by Solon in 594 B.C.E to push politics in more democratic direction in AthensB. Debt slavery abolishedC. All citizens allowed to elect/vite (No women, slave or foreigners)
Greco-Persian WarsChapter 4, Unit 1
A. Greek settlements on coast came under Persian power and Persians fought Athens who sided with ioniaB. Athens won C. Athenian pride and freedom
Alexander the GreatChapter 4, Unit 1
A. man who began 10 year expedition to conquer, began in 20'sB. hailed "king of Asia" and respected by many of the conquered people as pharaoh or kingC. after his death kingdom separated into 3 kingdoms
Hellenistic EraChapter 4, Unit 1
A. 323-30 B.C.E in which Greek culture celebratdB. Greek culture pentrated many lands inclufing Ehypt, Mesopotomia, and IndiaC. Spread through the greek cities that Alexander had implanted in the conquered cities
Caeser AugustusChapter 4, Unit 1
A. ruler that reigned from 27 B.C.E to 14 B.C.EB. Made Rome into a empire from a republicC. took over after Augustus
Pax RomanaChapter 4, Unit 1
A. "Roman Peace" in Latin
B. Time period of RomeC. Characterized by most innovation, peace, prosperity
Qin ShihuangdiChapter 4, Unit 1
A. Chinese ruler from the state of QinB. was cruel and made unrelenting and harsh laws/punishments against confucinsmC. reunited China and indirectly brought back confucinism after his death
Han DynastyChapter 4, Unit 1
A. Dynasty in China from 206 B.C.E to 220 B.C.E in which retained Shi's centralization of the governmentB. indirectly brought back Confuciusinasm as it was accepted and encouraged in the Han dynastyC. Centralized China's imperial statedom
Mauryan EmpireChapter 4, Unit 1
A. India's civilization from 326-184 B.C.E that had a large scale political systemB. rivaled the civilization of Persia, china, although not as long lastingC. Ashoko was ruler
AshokoChapter 4, Unit 1
A. Ruler of Mauryan Empire who ruled from 268 -232 B.C.EB. ruled and created famous and characterized edicts on rocks and pillars throughout empireC. Brought Hinduism and Buddhism together with state support