A&P Muscular System

54 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Functions of muscular system
- movement
- body support and maintenance of posture
- production of heat
Skeletal muscle
- striated
- voluntary
- attached to the skeleton
Smooth muscle
- involuntary
- no striations
- found in the walls of hollow organs, the urinary bladder and uterus
Caridac muscle
- striated
- involuntary
- found only in the heart
Muscles are attached to bone how?
By dense fibrous connective tissue (tendons)
Cell membrane of a muscle fiber
Sacroplasmic reticulum
The ER of muscle fiber
a reservoir for calcium ions
produces actin (thin) & myosin (thick)
- fibrous connective tissue membrane covering muscle
- under is a sack of bundles
Bundle of individual myofibrous (muscle cells)
Skeletal muscle
- consistes of masses of fiber (myofibrils) arranged in bundles (fasicles)
Dense connective tissue that surrounds the entire muscle
Extensions of epimysium that penetrate inward into the muscle to surround fasicle bundles
The delicate layer of connective tissue that surrounds each individual muscle fiber
Epimysium, perimysium, endomysium
Bind muscles together to provide support, strength to entire muscle
Most important skeletal muscle