AP Environmental Science Flashcards

Learn about the terms, definitions, and much more related to the AP Environmental Science with these Flashcards Quiz. Learn the terms, vocabulary, and much more with our easy and exciting flashcards quiz.

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Ecologists - Biological scientists that observe relationships between the environment and living creatures
An example of relationship between the environment and animals would be from The Lorax, the Truffular trees supplied the Barbaloots with food, when the trees were destroyed, the Barbaloots were forced to leave and find food elsewhere
Environmental scientists - combine physical and social sciences to study the earth and how it works, human interaction with the earth, and try to make solutions to environmental issues
Something an environmental scientist might study would be how pollution from factories affect the environment, then they might propose solutions to political leaders in order to try to fix pollution
Conservation biologist - multi-disciplinary science to study bio-diversity and attempt to preserve it
A conservation biologist may have been helping when the problems with DDT were causing bird egg shells to soften to the point where the babies couldn't survive. This arose from fish eating insects contaminated with DDT causing the fish to become contaminated with DDT, and the birds would eat the contaminated fish.
Environmentalist - Worry about human impact on the environment, believe humans are damaging the environment
An environmentalist might be working to oppose oil drillings and the negative impacts that has on the environment. They might oppose over logging of forests as well.
Preservationists - Wish to set aside land to be completely untouched
A preservationist would be in support of declaring a forest as a national park so that it would be illegal to cut down any of the trees within that forest.
Conservationists - Wish to use land in sustainable ways.
A conservationist would allow the logging of a forest, but only if the loggers replace the trees they cut down, and do not cut trees faster than they grow.
Restorationists - Wish to restore land that man has damaged
A restorationist would find old abandoned logging grounds where no more trees exist, and begin replanting a new forest.
Economic growth - A country's increase in ability to provide people with products and services.
Economic growth can be achieved by discovering new resources and using those, advances in technology, increase in population, and many others
Economic development - Increasing standard of living through economic growth
Economic development comes about naturally when economic growth is achieved, because as the capacity to produce more goods rises, so then does the demand for these goods, and so they are made and the consumer's quality of life goes up.
Gross national income - The value of the products and services produced by a country combined with the income of a country's citizens
This figure is telling of how wealthy a nation is, because it includes everything associated with the nation (EG companies based in one country with factories in another).
Gross national income in purchasing power parity - The value of a country's GNI with regards to how many products and services it could buy in the United States
When comparing the amount of wealth countries have, this is a good figure to use because it acts as a standard so you can accurately compare countries.
Gross domestic product - Value of products and services produced inside of a nation
This figure accounts for all of the production WITHIN a nation, it does not care for the wealth of that nation, only for its productivity.
Gross world product - Value of all the products and services in the world
The purpose of thise figure is to show how much progress has been made, and refers to the entirety of the world, so you can see what % of the GWP each nation holds
Per capita GNI - GNI divided by total population at midyear
Also known as standard of living, it demonstrates how comfortably the citizens of a country would live if the wealth was evenly distributed
Per capita GNI in purchasing power parity - GNI PPP divided by population at mid-year
An accurate way to compare the standard of living between two nations, as it measures against a standard.