Anthropology Chapter 11

Anthropology Chapter 11

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Beliefs in generalized supernatural powers like mana that reside in things
A very general term covering all sorts of beliefs in spirits, ghosts, and more diffuse supernatural powers
Anxiety Theory of Magic
In those areas where there is much uncertainty and even danger, people will use magic to reduce anxiety
A ritual procedure for learning about past, present, or future
Law of Contagion
Magical belief that objects once in contact can still affect each other
Law of Opposites
A principle of magic that opposites have a certain connection and can affect each other
Law of Similarity
The principle, common in magic, that similar things have a certain connection, and acts done to one will have an effect on its likeness
Liminal Period
A time, in rites of passage, between leaving the old state and entering the new one, when the initiate is in a sort of symbolic and spiritual "betwixt and between".
Manipulating the supernatural world through speech and ritual acts
The supernaturally derived force or power of a particularly important or noble person
What U.S. schools, colleges, and professional sports teams call their totems
A religious system based on belief in a single high god
New Age Witches
Late-20th-century European and North American practitioners of benevolent magic
Belief in more than one god
A system of beliefs and ritual ways of relating to supernatural beings and forces through beseeching prayers rather than through the formulaic demands of magic