Anthropology 201: Human Origins Test 1

Evolution and genetics for anthropology 201

46 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What were the 4 reasons why Darwin's theory of evolution was not accepted by many people?
Belief in divine creation, belief in species' immutability, belief in recent creation, and belief in evolution as a threat to morals and society.
What were the 3 parts of the story of creation that shaped human views?
Direct and instantaneous creation by God (deliberate act), creation in God's own image, and humans were given dominion over Earth and all its creatures.
What are creationists?
People who believe in divine creation.
Why do most biologists and scientists not accept creationists' argument?
Creationists' proof of divine intervention can't be refuted and they never seriously test their theory because it's faith-based, not science-based.
Who was James Usher?
He was a bishop who claimed that Earth was created in 4004 BC.
What is theism?
The notion that God intervenes regularly in the world through miraculous works.
What is deism?
The notion that the world was created by God but is controlled by a set of natural laws God produced.
Who is James Hutton?
A geologist who believed in deep time and created the theory of the "World Machine Model."
What is the "World Machine Model?"
A theory created by Hutton, which used geological evidence to prove there were ancient cycles in Earth building and destruction. It was a 4-phase cycle that dealt with erosion and was based on unconformities.
Who was Georges Cuvier?
A French scientist who was the first to prove that species can go extinct and created the theory of catastrophism.
What is the theory of catastrophism?
A theory developed by Cuvier that proposes that regional and large catastrophes are caused by global cooling, which leads to animal and plant extinctions. Regions are then repopulated due to in-migration and/or new creations.
Who is Charles Lyell?
A British geologist, deist, and deep time advocate who established the theory of uniformitarianism.
What is the theory of uniformitarianism?
A theory developed by Lyell that included 4 principles: the Principle of Law, which said that natural laws are constant through space and time; the Principle of Process, which said that the present is the key to the past; the Principle of Rate, which said that changes occur slowly and steadily; and the Principle of State, which said that change, though continuous, is non-directional and non-progressive.
How did some creationists explain fossils?
They argued the Earth was created with signs of false "prochronic" history, and that fossils were prochronic phenomena needed to show cyclicity.
Who was Jean Baptiste de Lamarck?
A French biologist who developed the theory of organic evolution.