Anotomy and Physiology

81 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The Most important chemical stimulus leading to increasing rate and depth of breathing is:
Increased carbon dioxide in the blood
The immune serum used to prevent maternal sensitization to Rh antigens is:
Lymph from the left arm returns to the heart through the:
Thoracic duct
The pharynogotympanic tubes, which drain the middle ear, open into the :
Chest pain resulting from the loss of oxygen to heart cells is called:
Angina pectoris
The gas exchange that occurs between blood and tissue cells at systemic cappillaries is called:
Internal respiration
In a Centrifuged blood sample, the buffy coat between the formed elements and the plasma contains:
Leukocytes and Platelets
Coronary heart diesease results from:
The accumulaion of fatty substances within blood vessels
The average functional lifespan of an RBC is:
100-120 days
Lack a nucleus and most organelles
What is the most common cause for lung cancer:
The lymph tissues found within the walls of the small intestine are called:
Peyer's patches
The opening between the vocal cord is called the:
A substance that stimulates the immune system to release antibodies:
Pulmonary circulation involves blood flow to and from the heart and the: