Anatomy Test 3: Chapter 18 - Powerpoint 2

This set of flashcards covers the material Dr. Cooper had in her lecture on General and Special Senses. It is the second powerpoint for this test

65 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Definition: Receptor
Receptor: is a specialized cell or process that monitors conditions in the body or in the external environment
Definition: Sensation
Sensation: sensory information arriving at CNS
General Senses
Receptors distributed throughout the body
- temperature
- pain
- touch
- pressure
- vibration
- proprioception
Special Senses
- located in specialized sense of organs
- olfaction
- gustation (taste)
- equilibrium/balance
- hearing
- vision
- sensory receptor: specialized cell that sends sensation to CNS
Receptors and Receptive Field
- Each receptor monitors a specific area known as the receptive field.
- Receptive field: area monitored by a single receptor cell
Simple Classification of Receptors
1. exteroreceptors
2. proprioreceptors
3. interoreceptors
Tell the CNS about external environment
Tell the CNS about body position (muscles and joints)
Tell the CNS about internal environment (monitor condition inside body)
Types of General Sense Receptors
1. Nociceptors
2. Thermoreceptors
3. Mechanoreceptors
4. Chemoreceptors
- pain
- respond to stimuli associated with tissue damage
- types of nociceptors:
- sensitive to extremes of temperature
- sensitive to mechanical damage
- sensitive to dissolved chemicals
- two types of pain sensation:
- fast (prickling) pain
- slow (burning/aching) pain
- free nerve endings
- respond to changes in temperature
- conduct sensations along same pathway as nociceptors
- free nerve endings
Respond to physical distortion, contact, or pressure
- tactile receptor: touch, pressure, vibration
- baroreceptors: pressure changing in walls of vessels, tracts
- proprioceptors: position of joints and muscles
- monitor chemical composition in body
- important in cardiovascular and respiratory functions
Types of receptors in skin
- Each receptor responds to different stimulus
- Receptors are in dermis