Anatomy and Physiology: Organs & Body Systems

Flashcards about organs. Along with other things.

12 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Groups of tissues designed to perform a specific function.
Body Systems
Groups of bodily organs acting together to perform one or more functions.
Circulatory System
Controls the steady circulation of the blood through the body by means of the heart and blood vessels
Digestive System
Changes food into nutrients and wastes; consists of mouth, stomach, intestines, salivary and gastric glands and other forms.
Endocrine System
Affects the growth, development, sexual activities, and health of the entire bod; Consists of specialized glands
Excretory System
Purifies the body by the elimination of waste matter; consists of kidneys, liver, skin, intestines, and lungs.
Integumentary System
Serves as a protective covering and helps in regulating the body's temperature; consists of skin accessory organs such as oil and sweat glands, sensory receptors, hair and nails.
Muscular System
Covers, shapes, and supports skeletal tissue; also contracts and moves various parts of the body; consists of muscles.
Nervous System
Controls and coordinates all other systems and makes them work harmoniously and efficiently; consists of brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
Reproductive System
Responsible for the process by which plants and animals produce offspring.
Respiratory System
Enables breathing, supplying the body with oxygen, and eliminating carbon dioxide as a waste product; consists of lungs and air passage.
Skeletal System
Physical foundation of the body; consists of bones and movable and immovable joints.