Anatomy and Physiology: Muscular System

Flashcards about anatomy. And also physiology.

17 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The study of the structure, function, and diseases of the muscles.
Striated Muscles
AKA skeletal muscles, are attached to the bones and are voluntary or consciously controlled; assist maintaining the body's posture and protect some internal organs
Nonstriated Muscles
AKA smooth muscles; involuntary and function automatically w/out conscious will; found w/in internal organs
Cardiac Muscle
Involuntary muscle of the heart.
Part of muscle that does not move; attached to skeleton and is usually part of a skeletal muscle.
Part of muscle that does move.
The middle part of the muscle.
AKA occipito-frontalis; broad muscle that covers the top of the skull; consists of the occipitalis and frontalis.
Back of the epicranius; muscle that draws the scalp backward
Anterior (front) portion of the epicranius; muscle of the scalp that raises the eyebrows, draws scalp forward and cause wrinkles of the forehead.
Epicranial Aponeurosis
Tendon that connects the occipitalis and frontalis
Auricularis Superior
Muscle above the ear that draws the ear upward.
Auricularis Anterior
Muscle in front of the ear that draws the ear forward.
Auricularis Posterior
Muscle behind the ear that draws the ear backward.
Masseter and Temporalis
Coordinate in opening and closing the mouth and are sometimes referred to as the chewing muscles