Anatomy Physiology Introduction to Anatomy

Quiz review for lecture 1- introduction to anatomy. 

26 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is microscopic anatomy? What are examples?
That which you must use a microscope to study. cytology and histology
What is cytology?
Study of cells
What is histology?
Study of tissues
What is gross anatomy? What are the types?
What you can see with the naked eye. regional and systemic approach
What is regional approach?
Studying a specific place (brain, heart, foot, etc)
What is systems approach?
Studying different organ systems
What is embryology?
Developmental anatomy- study of embryos
What is pediatrics?
Developmental anatomy- study of children
What is gerontology?
Developmental anatomy- study of elderly
What are the two methods of study?
Dissection and medical imaging
What is the anatomic position?
Standing up straight with the palms facing out
What are the two regional terms?
Axial (torso) and appendicular (appendages)
Anterior and posterior
Dorsal and ventral
Superior and inferior