Anatomy Embryonic Heart Development Flashcards

Learn and study Anatomy Embryonic Heart Development with our flashcards quizzes. The study, learn, and revise Anatomy Embryonic Heart Development with our quiz based flashcards.

60 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Most common life-threatening birth defects
Heart defects
Make up ___% of all congenital defects in live births (~1:200).
4 main causes
  • 4% single gene mutations
  • 6% chromosomal anomalies
  • 5% teratogens
  • 85% multifactorial
  • The heart is the 1st functioning organ; it starts to pump blood around day ____ of development.
    How does embryonic development of the heart begin?
    It begins by differentiation and formation of cell clusters called angioblasts within the precardiac splanchnic mesoderm
    What day does hetatopoiesis occur and where?
    Day 17 in mesoderm adjacent to the endoderm of yolk sac wall
    Hemangioblasts differentiate into:
    Hematopoietic stem cells and endothelial precursor cells.
    Sites of hematopoiesis in chronological order are
    1. blood islands of the yolk sac2. liver3. AGM4. spleen5.bone marrow
    End of the third week you have (end of 21 days)
    Vascularized yolk sac wall, connecting stalk and chorionic villi
    Making blood vessels directly from mesenchyme
    Explain difference between extraembryonic vasculogenesis and intraembyronic vasculogenesis
    Extra: vasculogenesis is coupled with hematopoiesis
    intra: with exception to AGM region, bv formation within embryo is NOT coupled with hematopoesis
    What day and where does intraembryonic vasculogeneisis occur?
    By day 18, see vessel formation in the intraembryonic splanchnopleuric mesoderm
    A subset of cells in the intraembryonic splanchnic mesoderm differentiates into ________. These then differentiate into
    Endothelial precursor cells (angioblasts).These then differ into endothelial cells that organize into small vesicle-like structures and coalesce to form long tubes
    What are angiomas? what are they caused by, stimulated by.
    Caused by abnormal blood vessel and lymphatic growth, likely stimulated by abnormal levels of angiogenic factors.
    Excessive growth of small capillary network
    Capillary hemanigioma