Sensory and Motor Tracts of Spinal Cord Flashcards

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17 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
If name begins with spino-
The tract must start in the spinal cord and end in the brain - sensory
If the name ends in -spino
The tract must start in the brain and end in the spinal cord - motor
Crossing over
Sensory tracts: neurons are segregated by
1. sensory modality arrangement - type of sensory info (pain, touch, etc)
2. somatotopic arrangement - site of origin within body
3. medial-lateral rule - more inferior, the more medial
Sensory: posterior column
-fine touch, vibration, pressure, and proprioception sensations
Sensory: spinothalamic tract
-pain, temp, and crude sensations of touch and pressure
Sesnory: spinocerebellar
-proproceptive info concerning the postion of muscles, tendons, and joints
Motor: corticospinal tracts
-conscious volunatry control over skeletal muscles
-3 pairs:
1. corticobulbar tracts
2. anterior corticospinal
3. lateral corticospinal
Motor: subconscious pathways
1. vestibulospinal
2. tectospinal
3. reticulospinal
4. rubrospinal
Motor: vestibulospinal tracts
-maintain posture and balance
Motor: tectospinal tracts
-reflexive changes in postion of head, neck, and upper limbs