Anatomy Axial Skeleton

Anatomy axial

37 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the axial skeleton?
The axial skeleton consists of those bones that lie in the longitudinal axis of the body, running through its center of gravity
Name the axial bones
The bones of the axial skeleton include the bones of the skull, the hyoid, the ribs, sternum, and vertebrae
What is the appendicular skeleton?
The appendicular skeleton contains the bones of the upper and lower extremities, including the pectoral (shoulder) girdle and pelvic girdle
Identify the cranial bones
The cranial bones are the: 1 frontal, 2 parietal, 2 temporal, 1occipital, 1 sphenoid, and 1 ethmoid.
Identify the facial bones
The facial bones are the: 2 nasal, 2 maxillae, 2 zygomatics ( zygomas),1 mandible, 2 lacrimal, 2 palatine, 2 inferior nasal conchae, and 1 vomer.
What is a suture of the skull?
A suture is an immovable fibrous joint in the skull where bone surfaces are closely united by connective tissue.
The coronal suture is located between the frontal bone and the 2 parietal bone
The sagittal suture is located between the 2 parietal bone
The lambdoidal sutures are found between the right and left parietal bones and the occipital bone
The squamosal sutures are located between the parietal bone and the temporal bone of each side
What are Wormian bones?
Wormian bones are small fragments of bones found in the sutures, particularly in the sagittal and lambdoidal sutures
What are the fontanels and what are their functions?
Fontanels are membrane-filled spaces between the bones of the cranium seen at birth. These “soft spot” areas of dense fibrous connective tissue bridge the incompletely formed cranial bones. They close as the bones, and the brain, complete their develop-ment. Fontanels have two functions: (1) allow head to change shape while passing through the birth canal (2) allow for rapid growth of brain during the first two years.
Anterior fontanel
The anterior (frontal) fontanel is found between the two parietal bones and the two segments of the frontal bone; closes between 18 - 24 months
Posterior fontanels
The posterior (occipital) fontanel is found between the two parietal bones and the occiput; closes at 2 months.
Sphenoidal fontanel
The anterolateral (sphenoidal) fontanel is located at the junction of the frontal, parietal, temporal, and sphenoid bones; closes at 3 months