Anatomy 2/24 Chapters 11 and 13

This set of flashcards covers the material in Dr. Cooper's lecture on 2/24. 

37 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Iliopsoas muscle
Iliacus + psoas muscle = iliopsoas muscle
Nervous System
-control and adjusts activities of other systems of the body -chemical communication with targeted tissue -response is quick and brief -response disappears quickly -response modifies activities of other systems
Nervous system vs. endocrine system
Nervous System -fast response, disappears quicklyEndocrine System -slow response, extended response
Central Nervous System (CNS)
-brain and spinal cord-functions: -processing -integration -coordinating sensory data and motor commands -higher function
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
-neural tissue outside of CNS-functions: -sensory information to CNS -motor information from CNS -sensory=afferent -motor=efferent
-cell body and all of its processes -dendrites, cell body, axon, synaptic terminals
Cell body
Cytoplasm surrounding nucleus
Free ribosomes
Nissl bodies
Nerve fiber
Axon hillock
Connects initial segment of axon with cell body axoplasm
Types of neurons
1. bipolar neuron2. unipolar neuron3. multipolar neuron
Bipolar neuron
Very few in the body (special senses such as hearing, vision, and balance)
Unipolar neuron
Sensory cells that are found in what is known as the dorsal root ganglion
Multipolar neuron
Most common