Anatomy of the Urinary System

4/26/10 9:00 AM

58 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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T/F. The abdominal and pelvic cavities are NOT continuous with one another.
FALSE. They are continuous with one another, and often referred to as the "abdominopelvic cavity."
What is the separation b/t the abdominal and pelvic cavities?
The plane of the superior pelvic aperture ( also called pelvic inlet, pelvic brim)
The pelvic brim runs from ______ to ________
Pubic symphysis to the sacral promontory
Where are the locations of the kidneys, bladder, and ureters?
Kidneys = abdomenBladder = pelvisUreters = abdomen and pelvis
State whether the following structures are retroperitoneal or peritoneal- kidneys, bladder, ureters.
All are retroperitoneal (deep to the parietal peritoneum lining the abdominopelvic cavity).
What is the peritoneum?
A serous membrane that lines the abdominal and pelvic cavities.
What are the 2 types of peritoneum?
Parietal peritoneum- lines the body wallsVisceral peritoneum- surrounds the organs
The entire urinary system (bladder, ureters, kidneys) is peritoneal/retroperitoneal.
What is the fxn of the kidneys?
To maintain fluid and electrolyte balance; this is accomplished by the formation of urine, which is excreted into a duct system.
Where are the kidneys located?
What are the kidneys positions in relation to one another?
The right kidney is lower than the left kidney.
Why is the right kidney lower in position than the left kidney?
Because it is being pushed down by the liver.
What are the posterior relationships of the kidney?
Muscles and nerves of the posterior abdominal wall.Quadratus lumborum, transversus abdominis, and psoas major muscles.Iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal, and subcostal nerves.
What are the anterior relationships of the right kidney?
Visceral surface of the liver, R colic flexure, the 2nd part of the duodenum, jejunum
What are the anterior relationships of the left kidney?
Stomach, tail of the pancreas, spleen, descending colon, small intestine