The American Pageant 13th Ed. Chapter 2 Flash Cards


16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Walter Raleigh
Founded the Roanoke colony, which failed, dubbed "Lost Colony"
Fencing in land for farming.
1st born son inherits all of his father's land.
Joint-stock company
People invest in the company, hoping to make a buck on the company's success (corporation).
Virginia Company
Joint-stock company, founded Virginia Colony (Jamestown) in 1607.
Captain John Smith
Became leader of Jamestown colony, whipped colonists into shape.
Daughter of Powhatan, "saved" Captain John Smith to promote peaceful relations with Jamestown colonists. Married John Rolfe.
Lord De La Warr
Succeeded Captain John Smith, brought to Jamestown to alleviate suffering.
First Anglo-Powhatan War
Jamestown colonists raided Powhatan's food supplies, relations deteriorated. Ended in 1614 with marriage of Pocohontas to John Rolfe.
John Rolfe
Father of tobacco in the Virginia colony. Married Pocohontas.
Second Anglo-Powhatan War
1644-1646, banished Chesapeake Indians from ancestral lands.
"Cash Crop"-no food value. Virginia colony's moneymaker.
Act of Toleration
Religious toleration to Christians, death to non-believers in Jesus Christ.
Charles II
Restored to throne during English Restoration, renews interest in colonization.
James Ogelthorpe
Founded Georgia colony in 1733