American History Chapter 5 Flashcards

How Well Do You Know About the American History Chapter 5? Answer these quiz based flashcards based on American History Chapter 5 and check your knowledge. Learn key terms, definitions, and much more related to American History Chapter 5 with the help of our flashcards quizzes with ease. ​

33 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Why did the British impose the Intolerable Acts on the colonists?
British were upset with colonists for their actions after the Boston Massacre and Boston Tea Party.(Be able to explain what happened in these events that led to the Br. reaction.)
To refused to buy something
A written request to someone int he authority
Volunteers ready to fight at a moments notice
An army of citizens
Why did the British start taxing the colonists?
British were in debt from the French and Indian War and thought the colonists should help pay for it.
Tax of molasses that was used to make rum in the triangular trade
Sugar Act
What items were taxed under the Stamp Act?
Wills, marriage papers, diplomas, newspapers, almanacs, playing cards, dice
How did the colonists react to the taxing?
Smuggling in goods, boycott British goods, protest, riots
What phrase is associated with the idea that the colonists objected to paying the tax imposed by Parliament because they had no elected people representing them?
No Taxation Without Representation (need to know more in detail)
What items were taxed under the Townshend Acts?
Glass, paper, paint, lead, tea
What term said that the British officials could search a ships' cargo without giving a reason?
Writs of assistance
The colonists promised to stop importing goods taxed by the Townshend Acts
Nonimportation Agreements
Another word for "to cancel"
A group of men who protested British policies by having mock hanging of British officers
Sons of Liberty