All You Need To Know About "The Pigman"

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25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Who lives their life in a cage?
Who symbolizes inprisoment?
What causes Mr. pignati's death?
Bobo Died, which caused Mr. Pignati to have a heart attack.
What is Mr. Pignati's first name?
Why does John think it is alright to smoke, even after Lorraine tells him it is a bad habit and it will kill him one day?
He says that Freud smokes
Who do John and Lorraine pretend to be, when they go to visit Mr. pignati in the hospital?
They pretend to be his children
What does Mrs. Jensen do to Lorraine when the police officer drops Lorraine off?
Mrs. Jensen slaps Lorraine in the face
Who gets caught stealing?
Norton Kelly
What is the name of the corner that John and lorraine wait for the bus on?
Victory Boulevard and Eddy Street
What is the name of the funeral home that Mr. Pignati goes through for Conchetta's death?
Silver Lake Funeral Home
Where is the story taking place?
Staten Island
Who holds the phone call record?
Why can't John hold the phone compitions at his house?
John's mother is a clean freak
What does John want to be when he grows up?
An actor
Who feels like they have intruded?