Air Conditioning Final


59 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the relative humidity if the dry-bulb temp is 100 Degrees F and the wet-bulb temp is 65 degress F?
What is the dew point temp if the wet bulb temp is 65 degrees f and the dry bulb is 100 degrees f?
40 degrees F
If the wet bulb and dry bulb temp are both 80 degrees f, what is the humidity?
Comfort can be described as the gentle balance between?
Air cleanliness, air momvment, temp, and humidity
Of the heat produced in the human body, what type of transfer removes heat by perpiration?
The density of the air is?
Weight of air per cubic foot
The dry bulb temp is the?
Sensible heat level of the air
The wet bulb temp?
Takes into account the moisture in the air
The wet bulb depression is?
The difference between the dry and wet bulb temps
The dew point temp is the?
Temp when the moisture begins to condense out of the air
True or False:
The human body is comfortable when the heat produced in the body is equal to the heat lost to the surroundings
Intro of forced ventilation in the winter heating season helps to raise the humidity level. True or False?
The rate at which water will evap from the wick on the wet bulb themometer is determined by the moisture content in the surrounding air. true or false?
High head pressure in the window air conditioner is an indication of?
A dirty or blocked condenser
The evap of a window ac should operate? (temp)
Just above freezing