What Are the Effects of Pulldown Exercise Flashcards

Agonist, synergist, plane, joint action for the exam on the week of 10.20.09

222 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Agonist, Sgnergist, Plane, joint action of

Wide Grip Pulldowns

Teres Major, Frontal, Shoulder Adduction
Flat BB Chest Press
Pec major, anterior Delts, Transverse, Adduction
Elbows Tracking Close BB Row
Lats, Teres Major/Posterior Delts, Saggital, Extension
Elbows tracking High BB Row
Posterior Delt, Lats, Transverse, Hornizontal Abduction
Close Grip Pulldown
Lats, Teres Major, Saggital, Extension
Front Raise
Anterior Delts, Medial Delt/ Pect Major, Saggital, Flexion
Rear Fly
Posterior Delts, Lats, Transverse, Hornizontal Abduction
Lateral Raise
Median Delts, ANterior Delts, Frontal, Abduction
Vertical Press
Anterior Delt, Median Delts, Frontal, Abduction
Pectoralis Major
Flexion, adduction, internal rotation at the shoulder

Exercises: push-ups, pull-ups, incline bench press, regular bench press, climbing a
rope, all types of throwing, tennis serve
Primary Function: abduction (entire deltoid), flexion/internal rotation (anterior),
extension/external rotation (posterior)
Exercises: lateral “butterfly” (abduction) exercises with dumbbells
Note: anterior deltoid has similar functions to pectoralis major
Primary Function: extension, adduction, internal rotation
Exercises: chin-ups, rope-climbing, dips on parallel bars, rowing, “lat” pull-downs
Teres major
Primary Function: shoulder extension, internal rotation, and shoulder adduction
Divides the body into right & left parts; most flexion & extension occur
in this plane
Divides the body into front & back parts; most abduction & adduction
occur in this plane