Air Force Off icer Qua

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 187

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Book is to Chapter as...
Building is to Story. A chapter is a numbered division of a book; a story is a numbered floor of a building.
Alpha is to Omega as...
Beginning is to end. Alpha is the first letter of the beginning of the Greek alphabet; Omega is the last letter or end fo the Greek alphabet.
Carrot is to Vegetable as...
Pepper is to spice. Carrot is a type of vegetable; Pepper is a type of spice.
Micrometer is to Machinist as...
Trowel is to mason. A micrometer is a tool used by a machinist. A Trowel is a tool used by a mason.
Concave is to Convex as...
Cavity is to mound. Concave is hollow and curved like a cavity; convex is bulging and curved like a mound.
Dozen is to Score as...
XII is to XX. Dozen or 12 is represented by Roman numeral XII. Score or 20 is represented by Roman numberal XX.
Gown is to Garment as...
Gasoline is to fuel. Gown is a type of garment; gasoline is a type of fuel.
Emerald is to Green as...
Ruby is to Red. An emerald is a green gem; a ruby is a red gem.
Hyper is to Hypo as...
Over is to Under. Hyper is a prefix meaning over; hypo is a prefix meaning under.
Horizontal is to Vertical as...
Warp is to woof. Horizontal is at a right angle to vertical. In yarns, the warp is at a right angle to the woof.
Immigration is to Emigration as...
Arrival is to departure. Immigration is the act of arriving in a new country. Emigration is the act of leaving or departing one country to settle in another.
Kilometter is to Meter as...
Millennium is to year. A kilometer is equal to 1000 meters. A millennium is equal to a period of 1000 years.
Octagon is to Square as...
Hexagon is to Triangle. An Octagon is an eightsided polygon; a square is four sided. A hexagon is a six sided polygon; a triangle is three sided.
Ordination is to Priest as...
Inauguration is to President. A priest is inducted into office by a formal ceremony termed ordination. A president is inducted into office by a formal ceremony termed inauguration.
Perjure is to State as...
Trespass is to enter. Perjure is to willfully make a false statement under oath; trespass is to wrongfully enter the property of another. both are illegal actions.