Adolescent Psychology Chapter 4 Vocab

Study for chapter 4

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

Cards In This Set

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Self understanding
Representation of self
Possible self
What you want to become, might become and are afraid of becoming
Self esteem
Evaluation of self
Self concept
Domain specific evaluation of self
Identity versus identity confusion
Erikson, deciding who you are, what your all about and where you are going in life
Psychosocial moratorium
Erikson, gap between childhood security and adult autonomy that adolescents experience as part of their identity exploration
Period of identity in which you chose between meaningful alternatives
Show a personal investment in what they are going to do
Identity diffusion
Marcia, have not yet made a commitment but have not experienced crisis
Identity foreclosure
Marcia, had made a commitment but have not experienced crisis
Indentity moratorium
Marcia, in crisis but have not yet made a commitment
Identity achievement
Marcia, undergone crisis and have made a commitment
Made up of self-assertion (communicate a point of view) and separateness (expressing differences)
Mutuality (sensitivity to and respect for others)
permeablity (openness to others)
Ethnic identity
Sense of membership in an ethnic group and the attitudes and feelings related to that membership