Admin Chapter 5

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The intergration of markets globally
Products that are made or grown abroad and sold in canada
Products that are made or grown within canada and sold abroad
Per capita income
The average income per person in a country
Absolute advantage
A nations abiltiy to produce something cheaply or better than any other country
Comparative advantage
A nations abiltiy to produce something mor cheaply or better than all other countries
National comparative advantage
A country will be inclined to engage in international trade wen factor conditions, demand conditions, related and supporting industries, and strategies/structures/rivalries are favourable
International competitiveness
The ability of a country to generate more wealth than its competitors in world markets
Balance of trade
The difference in value between a country's totla exports and its total imports
Balance of trade & Balance of payments
To decide whether an overall balance exists, economists use two measures
Balance of payments
The difference between money flowing in to and out od a country as a result of trade and other transactions
Trade surplus
Occurs when a country exports more than it imports
Trade deficits
Occurs when a country imports more than it exports
Exchange rate
The ratio of one currency to another
A common currency shared among most of the memeber of european union