Acidosis and Alkalosis

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34 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Blood pH below 7.35
Excess of hydrogen ions
What pts are at greatest risk for acidosis?
Those with problems that impair breathing and older adults with chronic help problems
What's an actual acid excess?
Overproduction or underelimination of acids
What are examples of problems that actually increase acid production?
Diabetic ketoacidosis and seizures
What are examples of problems that actually decrease acid elimination?
Respiratory and renal impairment
Relative acidosis is caused by...
Overeliminating bases or underproducing bases
What are examples of probelms that underproduce bases?
Pancreatitis and dehydration
What is a problem that overeliminates bases?
An increase in hydrogen ions creates imbalances of what other positively charged electrolyte?
The imbalance of potassium disrupts the function of what?
Function of nerves, cardiac muscles, and skeletal muscles.
Where do the early manifestations of acidosis first appear?
In the musculoskeletal, cardiac, respiratory and CNS.
What are less effective during acidosis?
What four processes result in metabolic acidosis?
Overproduction of hydrogen ions underelimination of hydrogen ions underproduction of bicarbonate ions overelimination of bicarbonate ions
What causes respiratory acidosis?
Retention of CO2 which causes an increase production of free hydrogen ions