Semester 1 Review

Mr. Sutton Honors Biology Semester 1 Review

100 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Living Things adjust to a stimulus by a reaction called a ___________.
A testable explanation for a question or problem is a _________.
Independent Variable
The single factor that is altered in an experiment is the __________.
Its flow through ecosystems determines how organisms interact and power all life processes.
The part of an experiment in which all conditions are kept the same.
The factor being tested in an experiment.
Decay by Bacteria
Nitrogen is released to the Abiotic parts of the biosphere from the process death and ________.
Living & Nonliving things
Ecology is the study of relationships among ________.
Carbon Dioxide
"In the carbon cycle, in what form are carbon atoms generally returned to the atmosphere?"
Organisms that use the Sun's energy to make food are called ___________.
A collection of interacting populations is called a ____________.
Food Web
A network of interconnected food chains is called a ___________________.
Temperature & Precipitation
Location of biomes are usually determined by __________.
Secondary Succession
"After a community is disrupted by large scale events, such as forest fires, a new community is established through the process of ___________."
Tropical Rain Forest
Which terrestrial biome houses the most diversity?