Psychology Final Exam

DR. Cooksey's Final Psychology 101 Exam

89 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Motivation is best understood as a state that...
Energizes and directs behavior
One shortcoming of the instinct theory of motivation it...
Does not explain human behavior, it simply names them.
Few Human behaviors are rigidly patterned enough to qualify as...
One Problem with the idea of motivation as drive reduction is that...
Because some motivated behaviors do not seem to be based on physiological needs, they cannot be explained in terms of drive reduction.
Instinct theory and drive-reduciton theorybother emphasizes ____ Factors in Motivation.
Which of the following is not an example of homeostasis?
Feeling hungry at the sight of an appetizing food.
Which of the following is a difference between a drive and a need?
Needs are physiological states, Drives are psychological states.
Homeostatic refers to
The tendency to maintain a steady internal state.
Which of the following is inconsistent with the drive reduction theory of motivation.
Monkey will work puzzles even if not given a food reward.
Mary loves hang gliding. It would be difficult to explain to Mary's behavior according to.
Drive Reduction Theory
For two weeks, Orlando has been on a hunger strike. Orlando's willingness to starve conflicts with the throey of motivation by.
Beginning with the basic needs, which of the following represents the correct sequence of needs in the hierarchy by Maslow.
Physiological, Safety, Belongingness and love, self fulfillment
According to Maslow's theory
All the above
In his study of men on a semi diet, Keys found that
Subjects become obsessed with food.
Increase in insulin will
Lower blood sugar and trigger hunger.