Methods of Characterization in Literature Flashcards

This set of cards is used to assist high school freshmen in preparing for their English 9 final exam.

52 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

Cards In This Set

Front Back
A characters reason for doing something
What are the five methods of characterization?
1. Speech
2. Actions
3. Reactions of other characters
4. Appearance
5. Private thoughts
The little girl wearing the blue dress was shy and very quiet.

What type of characterization is this?
Hint: it uses the word "was"

The old man snickered at his dying wife as she lie in pain under the car tire.

What type of characterization is this?
Hint: it implies the man is cruel and uncaring based on his actions.

What is the term used to define the character of a story who is trying to solve a problem?
What is the term used to define a character of a story who is adding additional complications to a main character's problem?
Juliet is as beautiful as the sun.

What type of figurative language is this?

Similes use the words as, than, like to compare two things.
Juliet is the sun.

What type of figurative language is this?

A metaphor compares two unlike things, but does not use the words as, than, like
The tree branch frightened the man when it reached out and touched his shoulder.

What type of figurative language is this?

Personification gives human qualities to a non-human thing.
The ball was kicked by the boy.

In which voice the the above sentence written?
Who did the kicking? If answer is at end of sentence, then passive. If answer is at beginning, then active.

The boy kicked the ball.

In which voice the the above sentence written?
Who did the kicking? If answer is at end of sentence, then passive. If answer is at beginning, then active.

What literary term is used to describe an author's attitude toward a subject?
What are the components of a concrete detail?
Hint: TLQD

T = Transition
L = Lead in
Q = Quotation
D = Documentation
What is the first sentence of a body paragraph?
Topic Sentence (TS)
My little sister can eat more than a hungry bear.

What type of figurative language is being used in the sentence above?