English 3 Exam

English exam stuff, mostly poetry we went over in Mrs. Siniard's class. No novel stuff b/c that stuff shoulf be easy to remember. But the novels we did do were, 1984, Frankenstein, Hamlet. other literature i did not include are, Beowulf, Canterbury tales, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Death of Arthor, Macbeth. I hope these flashcards help though (:

130 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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The Only lyrical ballad by keats
La belle dame sans merci
He left his first wife for a woman who was also a writer
He died at 25 from TB
He was anotorious ladies man and this poem is semi-autobioggraphical
Don Juan. Byron.
He was neo-classical in style and ultimately romantic in subject
What is the speaker jealous of in "ode to a nightingale"?
The nightengale inspires the speaker to do what?
Write poetry
His political beliefs made him an outcast
His non-titled name is george gordon
Lord Byron
Childe Harold's Pilgramage made him famous
The theme of Don Juan
Carpe Diem
The pom written in ottava rima
Don juan
His first wife committed suicide in Hyde Park, London
The point of view in "KUbla Khan" changes from _____to ____.
3rd to 1st
"And 'mid this tumult Kubla Heard from far/ Ancestral voices prophesying war!" What literary term is present?
Slant Rhyme