Explain Briefly About Organs of Human Digestive System Flashcards

Can you complete the blank with the proper organ from digestion? If you don’t know the answer, these flashcards can help. The solid structures of the digestive system are the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Your gastrointestinal system initiates when you eat something, and it helps the body digest food and absorbs nutrients. Read and study these flashcards and see what you can learn about organs involved with digestion.

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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A muscular tube which carries food and liquids from the throat to the stomach for digestion after it has been chewed and chemically softened in the mouth
"hollow, sac-like organ connected to the esophagus and the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine), the stomach consists of layers of muscle and nerves that continue the breakdown of food which begins in the mouth. It is also a storage compartment"
Gall Bladder
"small, pear-shaped sac which is situated just below the liver and is attached to it by tissues. It stores bile and then releases it when food passes from the stomach to the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine) to help in the process of digestion"
"cleans the blood and processes nutritional molecules, which are sent to the tissues"
Small Intestine
A long tube that connects the stomach to the large intestines.
1st part of the small intestine; it is a receiving area for chemicals and partially digested food from the stomach
2nd part of the small intestine where most of the nutrients are absorbed into the blood
3rd part of the small intestine where the remaining nutrients are absorbed before moving into the large intestine
Large Intestine
Also called colon; The first half of the colon absorbs fluids and recycles them into the blood stream. The second half compacts the wastes into feces.
Produces digestive enzymes