Describe Characters and Epithets in THE ODYSSEY Flashcards

Learn about important definitions, key terms, and many more things related to the characters and Epithets in THE ODYSSEY with these quiz-based flashcards quizzes. learn, revise, and attempt the important questions, theory, and of Characters and Epithets in THE ODYSSEY with these flashcards quizzes. ​

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Grey-eyed goddess; daughter of Zeus; sprang from Zeus' head fully grown and wearing armor; goddess of warfare
Dangerous whirlpool over which Odysseus must navigate
Goddess; daughter of Helios the sun-god; turns half of Odysseus' companions into swine; Odysseus spends one year with her
Odysseus' loyal swineherd; Odysseus visits the swineherd's hut and receives xenia from him; Odysseus blesses him
Odysseus' nurse from his childhood; she recognizes the boar wound on Odysseus' thigh; will identify the disloyal maids whom Telemakhos will hang
Muse of epic poetry [Bonus: learn the names of the nine muses]
Daughter of Zeus and Leda; sister of Klytaimestra; wife of Menelaos; most beautiful woman in the world; kidnapping by Paris causes the Trojan War
Nymph; keeps Odysseus on her island for 7 years; wants him to be her immortal husband; orders delivered by Hermes from Zeus to release Odysseus
Given the gift of prophecy; cursed by Apollo for not returning his love; raped by Ajax while praying to Athena at a temple
Red-haired king; brother of Agamemnon; husband of Helen; visits Proteus to learn news of Odysseus; shows xenia to Telemakhos
Girl of the pretty braids; daughter of King Alkinoos and Queen Arete; welcomes Odysseus to the island of the Phaikaians; shows xenia
Lives on Pylos; friend of Odysseus; welcomes Telemakhos; sends Telemakhos with Nestor's son Peisistratos to visit Menelaos on Sparta
Polutropos; man skilled in all ways contending; master of land ways and sea ways; patient hero; husband of Penelope; father of Telemakhos; polumetis [much wisdom]
Wife of Odysseus; mother of Telemakhos; skilled in weaving; suggests the axe contest with Eurytos' bow as a means of choosing a husband
Brother of Zeus; angered by Odysseus' poking out the eye of Poseidon's son Polyphemos; turns the Phaiakian ship to stone when Odysseus arrives on Ithaka