6 Verbs That Change Meaning in Preterite & Imperfect Flashcards

Here is the list of flashcards which is based on the 6 verbs that change meaning in preterite & imperfect. Learn every single concept, terms, vocabulary, and much more from these flashcards which are based on 6 verbs that change meaning in preterite & imperfect. Don't miss out on any term, definitions, and much more related to these flashcards.

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Meaning of CONOCER in the imperfect
TO KNOW - Conocía a su familia = I knew his family
Meaning of CONOCER in the preterite
TO MEET - Conocí a su familia - I met his family
Meaning of SABER in the imperfect
TO KNOW - Sabíamos la verdad - We knew the truth
Meaning of SABER in the preterite
TO FIND OUT (TO KNOW FOR THE FIRST TIME) - Supimos la verdad - We found out the truth
Meaning of PODER in the imperfect
TO BE ABLE TO/CAN - Podía visitarlos - I could visit them (but you may not have)
Meaning of PODER in the preterite
TO MANAGE/BE ABLE/ SUCCEED - Pude visitarlos - I was able to visit them
Meaning of NO PODER in the imperfect
NOT TO BE ABLE/CANNOT - No podía visitarlos - I couldn't visit them (and may not have tried)
Meaning of NO PODER in the preterite
CANNOT/TO FAIL - No pude visitarlos - I couldn't (failed to) visit them (but tried)
Meaning of QUERER in imperfect
TO WANT - Quería verte - I wanted to see you (but may not have done so)
Meaning of QUERER in preterite
TO ATTEMPT/ TRY - Quise verte - I attempted/try to see you
Meaning of NO QUERER in imperfect
NOT TO WANT - No quería verte - I didn't want to see you (but may have done so anyway)
Meaning of NO QUERER in preterite
TO REFUSE - No quise verte - I refused to see you.
6 Verbs that change meaning in imperfect or preterite
CONOCER - imperfect: to know ; preterite: to meet
SABER - imperfect to know; preterite to find out (to know for the first time)
PODER - imperfect to be able/can; preterite: to manage/be able/ to succeed
NO PODER - imperfect: to not be able/cannot; preterite: cannot/.fail
QUERER - imperfect: to want; preterite: to sttempt/ to try
NO QUERER - imperfect: not to want; preterite: to refuse