2D Art Elements, Principles of Design, Color Theory and Schemes, Color Qualities

The flashcards take an over view of art. They list the elements, principles of design, color theory, color schemes, and color qualities.

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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What is a line?
A directional movement from one pint to another having only one dimension, or, the path of a moving point.
What is form?
A three dimensional shape or drawn to look 3D
What is value?
Degree of lightness or darkness of a hue or color.
What is space?
That which surrounds or that in which objects exist POSITIVE SPACE (used space within composition) or NEGATIVE SPACE (unused or empty space)
What is proportion?
Size relationships between objects or shapes, also the relationship between real objects and objects which are drawn or painted.
What is unity?
The unseen glue, completeness, how well all of the parts of a composition work together.
What is contrast?
A combination of opposite or nearly opposite qualities.
What is a primary color?
The 3 colors needed to mis all other colors. Red, yellow, blue. They CAN'T be mixed.
What is an intermediate or tertiary color?
Colors made by mixing one primary and one secondary color. Red and Orange = R.O, Yellow and green = Y,G.
What does analogous mean?
Colors next to each other on the color wheel, neighboring colors.
What is value?
The lightness and darkness of color.Tinting = Adding white to a colorShading = Adding black to a colorToning = Adding grey to a color
What is variation?
Changes which occur within a composition that make it more interesting.
What is composition?
The arrangement of visual forms within a work of art.
What is shape?
A closed area having two dimensions....length and width.
What is texture?
Surface characteristics, visual and tactical; the feel of an object or surface.