100 SAT Words North Carolina

Just 100 sat words that i have a test on at a nc highschool.

100 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Abridge (verb)
To lessen in length; shorten
Chide (verb)
To speak dissaprovingly
Formidable (adj)
Exciting fear, awe, or dread; imposing serious difficulties
Jovial (adj)
Marked by good humor
Notorious (adj)
Bad reputation;infamous
Profane (adj)
Go againest; not concerned with religon
Resolute (adj)
Firmly determined
Substaniate (verb)
To give substance or body to
Digress (verb)
To turn aside from subject or conversation
Translucent (adj)
Not transparent but clear enough for light to pass through
Allege (verb)
To assert without proof
Circumspect (adj)
Cautious; careful to consider all circumstances
Diminutive (noun)
Indicating small size and lovable
Fortuitous (adj)
Happening by chance
Keynote (noun)
The central fact, idea, or mood