Bartholin's Glands In Female Anatomy Flashcards

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After puberty, the vaginal lining becomes _________ to ________. stratified squamous epithelium; resist abrasion
The ____________ is the site of attachment of the embryo endometrium
Most of the natural lubrication during female sexual excitement is provided by the greater vestibular (Bartholin) glands.
The nonpregnant uterine wall consists mostly of ___________, which is composed of ___________. myometrium; bundles of smooth muscle
Which of these is not found in the vestibule?-urinary orifice-mons pubice-vaginal orifice-labia minora-clitoris mons pubis
____________ are found in both male and female external genitalia, but the ___________ is/are only found in the female. Corpora cavernosa; vestibular bulbs
Mammary glands develop within the breasts primarily during pregnancy.
Breast size is determined by he amount of adipose tissue.
Follicles are located in the cortex of the ovary.
The earliest sign of puberty in girls is the onset of breast development.
______________ are feminizing hormones. Estrogens
_______________ act/s primarily in the uterus. Progesterone
The appearance of pubic and axillary hair is a stage specifically called pubarche
The midlife change in estrogen and progesterone is called ___________, whereas the cessation of menstruation is called ______________. climacteric; menopause
During climacteric, sudden ____________ may cause hot flashes. vasodilation of cutaneous arteries
The term menstrual cycle specifically refers to the cyclic changes in the uterus determined by shifting hormonal changes.
The ovulated egg is a secondary oocyte.
The ovulated egg is at metaphase II.
The ovum finalizes meiosis during fertilization.
Most ovulation home test kits measure _________ surge, which happens about 24 hours before ovulation. LH
After expelling the oocyte, the follicle becomes the ____________ and secretes __________. corpus luteum; estrogen and progesterone
A follicle is an oocyte enclosed in follicular or granulosa cells.
Which of these does not leave a follicle when it ovulates? a second polar body
Oogenesis starts during embryonic development.
In the adult ovary, more than 90% of the follicles are found as primordial follicles.
During the follicular phase, granulosa cells secrete ____________, which stimulates secretion of ___________. estradiol; LH
Which of these blood hormone levels reaches its maximum during the luteal phase? progesterone
____________ inhibit/s the secretion of ____________ during the female sexual cycle. Estradiol and progesterone; FSH and LH
Lutein cells develop from the theca interna.
The _________ phase is the one associated with menstrual cramps and typically occurs __________ of the cycle. premenstrual; days 27 to 28
During the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle several follicles are developing antrums.
The _________ sometimes expel/s copious fluid similar to prostatic fluid, which constitutes the female ejaculate. paraurethral glands
During the plateau phase, the glans and clitoris swell as the _________ arteries dilate and the corpus or corpora ____________ engorge with blood. deep; cavernosa
During ____________, the uterus is tented (erected) and the cervix is withdrawn from the vagina. Typically, the clitoris is engorged and the labia are bright red to violet due to hyperemia. excitement
In early pregnancy, ____________ stimulates growth of the corpus luteum.
human chorionic gonadotropin
The basis of pregnancy test kits is the presence of ____________, which is secreted by the _________________. human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG); blastocyst and placenta
The basis for contraceptive pills is that they mimic the ____________ feedback effect of ____________. negative; estrogens and progesterone
The developing individual is called a(n) ___________ during most of the first 2 weeks, a(n) _____________ from 2 through 8 weeks, and a(n) ____________ from the beginning of week 9 until birth. blastocyst; embryo; fetus
The most abundant estrogen of pregnancy is __________, but one that accounts for most of the estrogenic effects in pregnancy is ______________. estriol; estradiol
The _________________ provides fetal nutrition and secrets hormones that regulate pregnancy and fetal development. placenta
What is the longest stage of labor the dilation (first) stage
Milk ejection, stimulation of nerve endings in the ____________ leads to the release of ______________ from the pituitary. nipple and areola; oxytocin
Why is breast milk superior to cow's milk for an infant? Cow's milk has too much protein and minerals in it.
The infant's only source of nutrition during the first 2-3 days postpartum is colostrum.