Word Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes, And Combining Forms

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a-, an- absence or lack eg. acardia: lack of a heart eg. anaerobic: in the absence of oxygen
ab- departing from/away from eg. abnormal: departing from normal
acou- hearing eg. acoustics: the science of sound
ac-, acro- extreme or extremity; peak eg. acrodermatitis: inflammation of the skin of the extremities
ad- to or toward eg. adorbital: toward the orbit
aden-, adeno- gland eg. adeniform: resembling a gland in shape
adren- toward the kidney eg. adrenal gland: adjacent to the kidney
aero- air eg. aerobic respiration: oxygen-requiring metabolism
af- toward eg. afferent neurons: which carry impulses to central nervous system
agon- contest eg. agonistic and antagonistic muscles: oppose each other
alb- white eg. corpus albicans of the ovary: a white scar tissue
aliment- nourish eg. alimentary canal, or digestive track
allel- of one another eg. alleles: alternative expression of a gene
amphi- on both sides; of both kinds eg. amphibian: an organism capable of living in water and on land
ana- apart, up, again eg. anaphase of mitosis: when the chromosomes separate
anastomos- come together eg. arteriovenous anastomosis: a connection between an artery and a vein
aneurysm a widening eg. aortic aneurysm: a weak spot that causes enlargement of the blood vessel
angi- vessel eg. angiitis: inflammation of a lymph vessel or blood vessel
angin- choked eg. angina pectoris: a choked feeling in the chest due to dysfunction of the heart
ant-, anti- opposed to; preventing; or inhibiting eg. anticoagulant: a substance that prevents blood coagulation.
ante- precending; before eg. antecubital: in front of the elbow
aort- great artery eg. aorta
ap-, api- tip; extremity eg. apex of the heart
append- hang to eg. appendicular skeleton
aqua-, aque- water eg. aqueous solutions
arbor- tree eg. arbor vitae of the cerebellum: the treelike pattern of white matter
areola- open space eg. areolar connective tissue: a loose connective tissue
arrect- upright eg. arrector pili muscles of the skin: which make the hairs stand erect
arthr-, arthro- joint eg. arthropathy: any joint disease
artic- joint eg. articular surfaces of bones: the points of connection
atri- vestibule eg. atria: upper chambers of the heart
auscult- listen eg. auscultatory method for measuring blood pressure
aut-, auto- self eg. autogenous: self-generated
ax-, axi-, axo- axis, axle eg. axial skeleton: asix of vertebral column
azyg- unpaired eg. azygous vein: an unpair vessel
baro- pressure eg. baroreceptors for monotoring blood pressure
basal base eg. basal lamina of epithelial basement membrane
bi- two eg. bicuspid: having two cusps
bili- bile eg. bilirubin: a bile pigment
bio- life eg. biology: the study of life and living organisms
blast- bud or germ eg. blastocyte: undifferentiated embryonic cell
brachi- arm eg. brachial plexus of peripheral nervous system supplies the arm
brady- slow eg. bradycardia: abnormaly slow heart rate
brev- short eg. peroneus brevis: a short leg muscle
broncho- bronchus eg. brochospasm: spasmodic contraction of bronchial muscle
bucco- cheek eg. buccolabial: pertaining to the cheek and lip
calor- heat eg. calories: a measure of energy
capill- hair eg. blood and lymph capillaries
caput- head eg. decapitate: remove the head
carcin- cancer eg. carcinogen: a cancer-causing agent
cardi-, cardio- heart eg. cardiotoxic: harmful to the heart
carneo- flesh eg. traveculae carneae: ridges of muscle in the ventricles of the heart
carot- (1) carrot; (2) stupor (1) eg. carotene: an orange pigment (2) eg. carotid arteries in the neck: blockage causes fainting
cata- down eg. carabolism: chemical breakdown
caud- tail eg. caudal (directional term)
cec- blind eg. cecum of large instestine: a blind-ended pouch
cele- abdominal eg. celiac artery: in the abdomen
cephal- head eg. cephalometer: an instrument for measuring the head
cerebro- brain, especially the cerebrum eg. cerebrospinal: pertaining to the brain and spinal cord
cervic-, cervix neck eg. cervix of the uterus
chiasm- crossing eg. optic chiasma: where optic nerves cross
chole- bile eg. cholesterol; cholecystokinin: a bile-secreting hormone
chondr- cartilage eg. chondrogenic: giving rise to cartilage
chrom- colored eg. chromosome: so named because they stain darkly
cili- small hair eg. ciliated epithelium
circum- around eg. circumnuclear: around the nucleus
clavic- key eg. clavicle: a "skeleton key"
co-, con- together eg. concentric; common center: together in the center
coccy- cuckoo eg. coccyx: which is beak-shaped
cochlea snail shell eg. the cochlea of the inner ear: which is coiled like a snail shell
coel- hollow eg. coelom: the ventral body cavity
commis- united eg. gray commissure of the spinal cord connects the two columns of gray matter
concha shell eg. nasal conchae: coiled shelves of bone in the nasal cavity
corn-, cornu- horn eg. stratum corneum: outer layer of the skin composed of (horny) cells
corona crown eg. coronal suture of the skull
corp- body eg. corpse; corpus luteum: hormone-secreting body in the ovary
cort- bark eg. cortex: the outer layer of the brain, kidney, adrenal glands, and lymph nodes
cost- rib eg. intercostal: between the ribs
crani- skull eg. craniotomy: a skull operation
crypt- hidden eg. cryptomenorrhea: a condition in which menstrual symptoms are experienced but no external loss of blood occurs
cusp- pointed eg. bicuspid, tricuspid valves of the heart
cutic- skin eg. cuticle of the nail
cyan- blue eg. cyanosis: blue color of the skin due to lack of oxygen
cyst- sac, bladder eg. cystitis: inflammation of the urinary bladder
cyt- cell eg. cytology: the study of cells
de- undoing, reversal, loss, removal eg. deactivation: becoming inactive
decid- falling off eg. deciduous (milk) teeth
delta triangular eg. deltoid muscle: roughly triangular in shape
den-, dent- tooth eg. dentin of the tooth
dendr- tree, branch eg. dendrites, telodendria: both branches of a neuron
derm- skin eg. dermis: deep layer of the skin
desm- bond eg. desmosome: which binds adjacent epithelial cells
di- twice, double eg. dimorphism: having two forms
dia- through, between eg. diaphragm: the wall through or between two areas
dialys- separate, break apart eg. kidney dialysis: in which waste products are removed from the blood
diastol- stand apart eg. cardiac diastole: between successive contractions of the heart
diure- urinate eg. diuretic: a drug that increases urine output
dors- the back eg. dorsal; dorsum; dorsiflexion
duc-, duct lead, draw eg. ductus deferens: which carries sperm from the epididymis into the urethra during ejaculation
dura hard eg. dura mater: tough outer meninx
dys- difficult, faulty, painful eg. dyspepsia: disturbed digestion
ec-, ex-, ecto- out, outside, away from eg. excrete: to remove materials from the body
ectop- displaced eg. ectopic pregnancy; ectopic focus for initiation of heart contraction
edem- swelling eg. edema: accumulation of water in body tissues
ef- away eg. efferent nerve fibers: which carry impulses away from the central nervous system
ejac- to shoot forth eg. ejaculation of semen
embol- wedge eg. embolus: an obstructive object traveling in the bloodstream
en-, em- in, inside eg. encysted: enclosed in a cyst or capsule
enceph- brain eg. encephalitis: inflammation of the brain
endo- within, inner eg. endocytosis: taking particles into the cell
entero- intestine eg. enterologist: one who specializes in the study of intestinal disorders
epi- over, above eg. epidermis: outer layer of skin
erythr- red eg. erythema: redness of the skin; erythrocyte: red blood cell
eso- within eg. esophagus
eu- well eg. euesthesia: a normal state of senses
excret- separate eg. excretory system
exo- outside, outer layer eg. exophthalmos: an abnormal protrusion of the eye from the orbit
extra- outside, beyond eg. extracellular: outside the body cells of an organism
extrins- from the outside eg. extrinsic regulation of the heart
fasci-, fascia- bundle, band eg. superficial and deep fascia
fenestr- window eg. fenestrated capillaries
ferr- iron eg. transferrin; ferritin: both iron-storage proteins
flagell- whip eg. flagellum: the tail of a sperm cell
flat- blow, blown eg. flatulence
folli- bag, bellows eg. hair follicle
fontan- fountain eg. fontanels of the fetal skull
foram- opening eg. foramen magnum of the skull
foss- ditch eg. fossa ovalis of the heart; mandibular fossa of the skull
gam-, gamet- married, spouse eg. gametes: the sex cells
gangli- swelling, or knot dorsal root ganglia of the spinal nerves
gastr- stomach eg. gastrin: a hormone that influences gastric acid secretion
gene beginning, origin eg. genetics
germin- grow eg. germinal epithelium of the gonads
gero-, geront- old man eg gerontology: the study of aging
gest- carried eg. gestation: the period from conception to birth
glauc- gray eg. glaucoma: which causes gradual blindness
glom- ball eg. glomeruli: clusters of capillaries in the kidneys
glosso- tongue eg. glossophaty: any disease of the tongue
gluco-, glyco- gluconeogenesis: the production of glucose from noncarbohydrate molecules
glute- buttock eg. gluteus maximus: largest muscle of the buttock
gnost- knowing eg. the gnostic sense: a sense of awareness of self
gompho- nail eg. gomphosis: the term applied to the joint between the tooth and jaw
gon-, gono- seed, offspring eg. gonads: the sex organs
gust- taste eg. gustatory sense: the sense of taste
hapt- fasten, grasp eg. hapten: a partial antigen
hema-, hemato-, hemo- blood eg. hematocyst: a cyst containing blood
hemi- half eg. hemiglossal: pertaining to one half of the tongue
hepat- liver eg. hepatitis: inflammation of the liver
hetero- different or other eg. heterosexuality: sexual desire for a person of the opposite sex
hiat- gap eg. the hiatus of the diaphragm: the opening through which the esophagus passes
hippo- horse eg. hippocampus of the brain: shaped like a seahorse
hirsut- hairy eg. hirsutism: excessive body hair
hist- tissue eg. histology: the study of tissues
holo- whole eg. holocrine glands: whose secretions are whole cells
hom-, homo- same eg. homeoplasia: formation of tissue similar to normal tissue; homocentric: having the same center
hormon- to excite eg. hormones
humor- a fluid eg. humoral immunity: which involves antibodies circulating in the blood
hyal- clear eg. hyaline cartilage: which has no visible fibers
hydr-, hydro- water eg. dehydration: loss of body water
hyper- excess eg. hypertension: excessive tension
hypno- sleep eg. hypnosis: a sleep-like state
hypo- below, deficient eg. hypodermic: beneath the skin; hypokalemia: deficiency of potassium
hyster-, hystero- uterus or womb eg. hysterectoctomy: removal of the uterus: hysterodynia: pain in the womb
ile- intestine eg. ileum: the last portion of the small intestine
im- not eg. impermiable: not permitting passage, not permeable
inter- between eg. intercellular: between the cells
intercal- insert eg. intercalated discs: the end membranes between adjacent cardiac muscle cells
intra- within, inside eg. intracellular: inside the cell
iso- equal, same eg. isothermal: equal or same temperature
jugul- throat jugular veins: prominent vessels in the neck
juxta- near, close to eg. juxtaglomerular apparatus: a cell cluster next to a glomerulus in the kidneys
karyo- kernel, nucleus eg. kayrotype: the asssemblage of the nuclear chromosomes
kera- horn eg. keratin: the water-repellent protein in the skin
kilo- thousand eg. kilocalories: equal to 1000 calories
kin-, kines- move eg. kinetic energy: the energy of motion
labi-, labri- lip eg. labial frenulum: the membrane which joins the lip to the bum
lact- milk eg. lactose: milk sugar
lacun- space, cavity, lake eg. lacunae: the spaces occupied by cells of cartilage and bone tissue
lamell- small plate eg. concentric lamellae: rings of bone matrix in compact bone
lamina layer, sheet eg. basal lamina: part of the epithelial basement membrane
lat- wide latissimus dorsi: a broad muscle of the back
laten- hidden eg. latent period of muscle twitch
later- side eg. lateral (direction term)
leuko- white eg. leukocyte: white blood cell
leva- raise, elevate eg. levator labii superioris: muscle that elevates upper lip
lingua- tongue eg. lingual tonsil: adjacent to the tongue
lip-, lipo- fat, lipid eg. lipophate: a cell that has taken up fat in its cytoplasm
lith- stone eg. cholelithiasis: gall stones
luci- clear eg. stratum lucidum: clear layer of the epidermis
lumen light eg. lumen: center of a hollow structure
lut- yellow eg. corpus luteum: a yellow, hormone secreting structure in the ovary
lymph water eg. lymphatic circulation: return of clear fluid to the bloodstream
macro- large eg. macromolecule: large molecule
macula spot eg. macule lutea: yellow spot on the retina
magn- large eg. foramen magnum: largest opening of the skull
mal- bad, abnormal eg. malfuntion: abnormal functioning of an organ
mamm- breast eg. mammary glands: breast
mast- breast eg. mastectomy: removal of mammary gland
mater mother eg. dura mater, pia mater: membranes that envelop the brain
meat- passage eg. external acoustic meatus: the ear canal
medi- middle eg. medial (direction term)
medull- marrow eg. medulla: the middle portion of the kidney, adrenal gland, and lymph node
mega- large eg. megakaryocyte: large precursor cell of platelets
meio- less eg. meosis: nuclear division that halves the chromosome number
melan- black eg. melanocytes: which secrete the black pigment melanin
men-, menstru- month eg. menses: the cyclic menstrual flow
meningo- membrane eg. meningitus: inflammation of the membranes of the brain
mer-, mero- a part eg. merocrine glands: the secretions of which do not include the cell
meso- middle eg. mesoderm: middle germ layer
meta- beyond, between, transition eg. metatarsus: the part of the foot between the tarsus and the phalanges
metro- uterus eg. endometrium: the lining of the uterus
micro- small eg. microscope: an instrument used to make small objects appear larger
mictur- urinate eg. micturition: the act of voiding the bladder
mito- thread, filament eg. mitochondria: small, filament-like structure located in cells
mnem- memory eg. amnesia
mono- single eg. monospasm: spasm of a single limb
morpho- form eg. morphology: the study of form and structure or organisms
multi- many eg. multinuclear: having serveral nuclei
mur- wall eg. intramular ganglion: a nerve junction within an organ
muta- change eg. mutation: change in the base sequence of DNA
myelo- spinal cord, marrow eg. myeloblasts: cells of the bone marrow
myo- muscle eg. myocardium: heart muscle
nano- dwarf eg. nanometer: one-billionth of a meter
narco- numbness eg. narcotic: a drug producing stupor or numbed sensations
natri- sodium eg. atrial natriuretic peptic, a sodium-regulating hormone
necro- death eg. necrosis: tissue death
neo- new eg. neoplasm: an abnormal growth
nephro- kidney eg. nephritis: inflammation of the kidney
neuro- nerve eg. neurophysiology: the physiology of the nervous system
noci- harmful eg. nociceptors: receptors for pain
nom- name eg. innominate artery; innominate bone
noto- back eg. notochord: the embryonic structure that precedes the vertebral column
nucle- pit, kernel, little nut eg. nucleus
nutri- feed, nourish eg. nutrition
ob- before, against eg. obstruction: impeding or blocking up
oculo- eye eg. monocular: pertaining to one eye
odonto- teeth eg. orthodontist: one who specializes in proper positioning of the teeth in relation to each other
olfact- smell eg. olfactory nerves
oligo- few eg. oligodendrocytes: neurological cells with few branches
onco- a mass eg. oncology: the study of cancer
oo- egg eg. oocyte: precursor of female gamete
ophthalmo- eye eg. ophthalmology: the study of the eyes and related diseases
orb- circular eg. orbicularis oculi: muscle that encircles the eye
orchi- testis eg. cryptorchidism: failure of the testes to descend into the scrotum
org- living eg. organism
ortho- straight, direct eg. orthopedic: correction of deformities of the musculoskeletal system
osm- smell eg. anosmia: loss of sense of smell
osmo- pushing eg. osmosis
osteo- bone eg. osteodermia: bony formation in the skin
oto- ear eg. otoscope: a device for examining the ear
ov-, ovi- egg eg. ovum, oviduct
oxy- oxygen eg. oxygenation: the saturation of a substance with oxygen
pan- all, universal eg. panacea: a cure-all
panpill- nipple eg. dermal papillae: projections of the dermis into the epidermal area
para- beside, near eg. paranuclear: beside the nucleus
pect-, pectus breast eg. pectoralis major: a large chest muscle
pelv- a basin eg. pelvic girdle: which cradles the pelvic organs
peni- a tail eg. penis; penile urethra
penna- feather eg. unipennate; bipennate muscles: whose fascicles have a feathered appearance
pent- five eg. pentose: a 5-carbon sugar
pep-, peps-, pept- digest eg. pepsin: a digestive enzyme of the stomach; peptic ulcer
per-, permea- through eg. permeate; permeable
peri- around eg. perianal: situtated around the anus
phago- eat eg. phagocyte: a cells that engulft and digests particles or cells
pheno- show, appear eg. phenotype: the physical appearance of an individual
phleb- vein eg. phlebitis: inflammation of the veins
pia tender eg. pia mater: delicate inner membrane around the brain and spinal cord
pili hair eg. arrector pili muscles of the skin, whic make the hairs stand erect
pin-, pino- drink eg. pinocytosis: the engulfing of small particles by a cell
platy- flat, broad eg. platysma: broad, flat muscle of the neck
pleur- side, rib eg. pleural serosa: the membrane that lines the thoracic cavity and covers the lungs
plex-, plexus net, network eg. brachial plexus: the network of nerves that supplies the arm
pneumo- air, wind eg. pneumothorax: air in the thoracic cavity
pod- foot eg. podiatry: the treament of foot disorders
poly- multiple eg. polymorphism: multiple forms
post- after, behind eg. posterior: places behind (a specific) part
pre-, pro- before, ahead of eg. prenatal: before birth
procto- rectum, anus eg. proctoscope: an instrument for examining the rectum
pron- bent forward eg. prone; pronate
propri- one's own eg. proprioception: awareness of body parts and movement
pseudo- false eg. pseudotumor: a false tumor
psycho- mind, psyche eg. psycogram: a chart of personality traits
ptos- fall eg. renal ptosis: a condition in which the kidneys drift below their normal position
pub- of the pubis eg. puberty
pulmo- lung eg. pulmonary artery: which brings blood to the lungs
pyo- pus eg. pyocyst: a cyst that contains pus
pyro- fire eg. pyrogen: a substance that induces fever
quad-, quadr- four-sided eg. quadratus lumborum: a muscle with a square shape
re- back, again eg. reinfect
rect- straight eg. rectus abdominis; rectum
ren- kidney eg. renal, renin: an enzyme secreted by the kidney
retro- backward, behind eg. retrogression: to move backward in development
rheum- watery flow, change, or flux eg. rheumatoid arthritis; rheumatic fever
rhin-, rhino- nose eg. rhinitis: inflammation of the nose
ruga- fold, wrinkle eg. rugae: the folds of the stomach, gallbladder, and urinary bladder
sagitt- arrow eg. sagittal (directional term)
salta- leap eg. saltatory conduction: the rapid conduction of impulses along myelinated neurons
sanguin- blood eg. consaguineous: indicative of a genetic relationship between individuals
sarco- flesh eg. sarcomere: unit of contraction in skeletal muscle
saphen- visible, clear eg. great saphenous vein: superficial vein of the thigh and leg
sclero- hard eg. sclerodermatitis: inflammantory thickening and hardering of the skin
seb- grease eg. sebum: the oil of the skin
semen seed, sperm eg. semen: the discharge of the male reproductive system
semi- half eg. semicircular: having hte form of a half a circle
sens- feeling eg. sensation; sensory
septi- rotten eg. sepsis, infection, antiseptic
septum fence eg. nasal septum
sero- serum eg. serological tests: which assess blood conditions
serrat- saw eg. serratus anterior: a muscle of the chest wall that has a jagged edge
sin-, sino- a hollow eg. sinuses of the skull
soma- body eg. somatic nervous system
somn- sleep eg. insomnia: inability to sleep
sphin- squeeze eg. sphincter
splanchn- organ eg. splanchnic nerve: autonomic supply to abdominal viscera
spondyl- vertebra eg. ankylosing spondylitis: rheumatoid arthritis affecting the spine
squam- scale, flat eg. squamous epithelium; squamous suture of the skull
steno- narrow eg. stenocoriasis: narrowing of the pupil
strat- layer eg. strata of the epidermis: stratified epithelium
stria- furrow, streak eg. striations of skeletal and cardiac muscle tissue
stroma spread out eg. stroma: the connective tissue framework of some organs
sub- beneath, under eg. sublingual: beneath the tongue
sucr- sweet eg. sucrose: table sugar
sudor- sweat eg. sudoriferous glands: the sweat glands
super- above, upon eg. superior: quality or state of being above others or a part.
supra- above, upon eg. supracondylar: above a condyle
sym-, syn- together, with eg. synapse: the region of communication between two neurons
synerg- work together eg. synergism
systol- contraction eg. systole: contraction of the heart
tachy- rapid eg. tachycardia, abnormally rapid heartbeat
tact- touch eg. tactile sense
telo- the end eg. telophase: the end of mitosis
templ-, tempo- time eg. temporal summation of nerve impulses
tens- stretched eg. muscle tension
terti- third eg. fibularis tertius: one of three fibularis muscles
tetan- rigid, tense eg. tetanus of muscle
therm- heat eg. thermometer: an instrument used to measure heat
thromb- clot eg. thrombocyte; thrombus
thyro- a shield eg. thyroid gland
tissu- woven eg. tissue
tono- tension eg. tonicity; hypertonic
tox- poison eg. toxicology: the study of poisons
trab- beam, timber eg. trabeculae: spicules of bone in spongy bone tissue
trans- across, through eg. transpleural: through the pleura
trapez- table eg. trapzius: the four-side muscle of the upper back
tri- three eg. trifurcation: division into three branches
trop- turn, change eg. tropic hormones: whose targets are endocrine glands
troph- nourish eg. trophoblast, from which devleops the fetal portion of the placenta
tuber- swelling eb. tuberosity: a bump on a bone
tunic- covering eg. tunica albuginea: the covering of the testis
tympan- drum eg. tympanic membrane: the eardrum
ultra- beyond eg. ultraviolet radiation: beyond the band of visible light
vacc- cow eg. vaccine
vagin- a sheath eg. vagina
vagus wanderer eg. the vagus nerve: which starts at the brain and travels into the abdominopelvic cavity
valen- strength eg. valence shells of atoms
venter, ventr- abdomen, belly eg. ventral (direction term); ventricle
vent- the wind eg. pulmonary ventilation
vert- turn eg. vertebral column
vestibul- a porch eg. vestibule: the anterior entryway to the mouth and the nose
vibr- shake, quiver eg. vibrassae: hairs of the nasal vestibule
villus shaggy hair eg. microvilli: which have the appearance of hair in light microscopy
viscero- organ, viscera eg. visceroinhibitory: inhibiting the movement of the viscera
viscos- sticky eg. viscosity: resistance to flow
vita- life eg. vitamin
vitre- glass eg. vitreous humor: the clear jelly of the eye
viv- live eg. in vivo
vulv- a covering eg. vulva: the female external genitalia
zyg- a yoke, twin eg. zygote
-able able to do, capable of eg. viable: ability to live or exist
-ac referring to eg. cardiac: referring to the heart
-algia pain in a certain part eg. neuralgia: pain along the course of a nerve
-apsi juncture eg. synapse: where two neurons communicate
-ary associated with, relating to eg. coronary: associated with the heart
-asthen weakness eg. myasthenia gravis: a disease involving paralysis
-bryo swollen eg. embryo
-cide destroy or kill eg. germicide: an agent that kills germs
-cipit head eg. occipital
-clast break eg. osteoclast: a cell that dissolves bone matrix
-crine separate eg. endorine organs: which secrete hormones into the blood
-dips thirst, dry eg. polydispsia: excessive thirst associated with diabetes
-ectomy cutting out, surgical removal eg. appendectomy: cutting out of the appendix
-ell, -elle small eg. organelle
-emia condition of the blood eg. anemia: deficiency of red blood cells
-esthesi sensation eg. anesthesia: lack of sensation
-ferent carry eg. efferent nerves: nerves carrying impulses away from the CNS
-form, -forma shape eg. cribriform plate of the ethmoid plate
-fuge driving out eg. vermifuge: a substance that expels worms of the intestine
-gen an agent that initiates eg. pathogen: any agent that produces disease
-glea, -glia glue eg. neuroglia: the connective tissue of the nervous system
-gram data that are systematically reocrded, a record eg. electrocardiogram: a recording showing action of the heart
-graph an instrument used for recording data or writing eg. electrocardiograph: an instrument used to make an electrocardiogram
-ia condition eg. insomnia: condition of not being able to sleep
-iatrics medical specialty eg. geriatrics: the branch of medicine dealing with disease associated with old age
-ism condition eg. hyperthyroidism
-itis inflammation eg. gastritis: inflammation of the stomach
-lemma sheath, husk eg. sacolemma: the plasma membran of a muscle cell
-logy the study of eg. pathology: the study of changes in structure and function brought on by disease
-lysis loosing or breaking down eg. hydrolysis: chemical decomposition of a compound into other compounds as a result of taking up water
-malacia soft eg. osteomalacia: a process leading to bone softening
-mania obsession, compulsion eg. erotomania: exaggeration of the sexual passions
-nata birth eg. prenatal development
-nom govern eg. autonomic nervous system
-odyn pain eg. coccygodynia: pain in the regioin of the coccyx
-oid like, resembling eg. cuboid: shaped as a cube
-oma tumor eg. lymphoma: a tumor of the lymphatic tissue
-opia defect of the eye eg. myopia: nearsightedness
-ory referring to, of eg. auditory: referring to hearing
-pathy disease eg. osteophaty: any disease of the bone
-phasia speech eg. aphasia: lack of ability to speak
-phil,-philo like, love eg. hydrophilic: water-attracting molecules
-phobia fear eg. acrophobia: fear of heights
-phragm partition eg. diaphragm: which separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities
-phylax guard, preserve eg. prophylaxix: to guard in advance, as in preventive treatment
-plas grow eg. neoplasia: an abnormal growth
-plasm form, shape eg. cytoplasm
-plasty reconstruction of a part, plastic surgery eg. rhinoplasty: reconstruction of the nose through surgery
-plegia paralysis eg. paraplegia: paralysis of the lower half of the body or lower limbs
-rrhagia abnormal or excessive discharge eg. metrorraghia: uterine hemorrhage
-rrhea flow or discharge eg. diarrhea: abnormal emptying of the bowels
-scope instrument used for examination eg. stethoscope: instrument used to listen to sounds of parts of the body
-some body eg. chromosome
-sorb suck in eg. absorb
-stalsis arrest, fixation eg. hemostatis: arrest of bleeding
-stitia come to stand eg. interstitial fluid: between the cells
-stomy establishment of an artificial opening eg. enterostomy: the formation of an artificial opening into the intestine through the abdominal wall
-tegm cover eg. integument
-tomy to cut eg. appendectomy: surgical removal of appendix
-trud thrust eg. protrude: detrusor muscle
-ty condition of, state eg. immunity: condition of being resistant to infection or disease
-uria urine eg. polyuria: passage of an excessive amount of urine
-zyme ferment eg. enzyme