Choose Correct Urinalysis Test Options Flashcards

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Which of the following would be affected by allowing a urine specimen to remain at room temp for 3hrs before analysis? a) protein b) occult blood c) specific gravity d) pH D
Which of the following urine results is most apt to be changed by prolonged exposure to light? a) ketones b) pH c) bilirubin d) protein C
A urine specimen comes to the lab 7 hrs after it is obtained. It is acceptable for culture only if the specimen has been stored: a) frozen b) at room temp c) w/ a preservative d) at refrigerator temp D
While performing a urinalysis, a tech notices that the urine specimen has a fruity odor. This pt's urine most likely contains: a) porphyrin b) acetone c) bilirubin d) coliform bacteria B
Some regional and public health labs carry out mass screening tests on the urine of newborns for a genetic disorder involving the metabolism of: a) glucose b) lactose c) galactose d) fructose C
All casts typically contain: a) Tamm-Horsfall Protein b) globulin c) albumin d) immunoglobulins G & M A
The term used to describe the presence of leukocytes in urine is: a) hematuria b) pyuria c) leukocytosis d) chyluria B
An ammonia-like odor is characteristically assoc. w/ urine from pts who: a) are diabetic b) have hepatitis c) have a bacterial infection d) have a viral infection C
A urine specimen is analyzed for glucose by a glucose oxidase reagent strip & a copper reduction test. Both results are pos, which of the following interpretations is correct? a) galactose is present b) glucose is present c) lactose is present d) sucrose is present B
The type of urinary cast that is MOST characteristically assoc. w/ glomerular injury is a/an: a) fatty cast b) white cell cast c) epithelial cell cast d) red cell cast D
A rgt. strip test for hgb has been reported pos. Microscopic exam. fails to yield RBCs. The pt's condition can be called: a) hemoglobinuria b) hematuria c) hemosiderin d) oliguria A
A urine's specific gravity is directly proportional to its: a) turbidity b) dissolved solids c) salt content d) sugar content B
The confirmatory test for a pos protein result by the rgt strip method uses: a) a diazo reaction b) sulfosalicylic acid c) Ehrlich's rgt d) a copper reduction tablet B
Which of the following casts is most likely to be found in healthy people? a) RBC b) WBC c) hyaline d) waxy C
The clarity (appearance) of a urine specimen should be determined: a) using glass tubes only, never plastic b) following through mixing of the specimen c) after addition of SSA d) after the specimen cools to room temp B
A pt w/ uncontrolled diabetes mellitus will MOST likely have: a) concentrated urine w/ a high specific gravity b) conc. urine w/ a low specific gravity c) pale urine w/ a high specific gravity d) pale urine w/ a low specif gravity A
Cessation of urine flow is defined as: a) azotemia b) dysuria c) diuresis d) anuria D
Upon standing at room temp a urine pH typically: a) remains the same b) decreases c) changes depending on bacterial conc. d) increases D
ADH regulates the excretion & reabsorption of: a) potassium b) calcium c) water d) glucose C
Calibration of refractometers is done by measure the specific gravity of: a) distilled water & urea b) distilled water & sodium chloride c) distilled water & glucose d) distilled water & protein B
A 17-y.o. girl decided to go on a starvation diet. After 1 week of starving herself, what substance would MOST likely be found in her urine? a) protein b) ketones c) glucose d) blood B
Which of the following rgts is used to react w/ ketones in the urine? a) acetoacetic acid b) acetone c) sodium nitroprusside d) beta-hydroxybutyric acid C
Which of the following is the primary rgt in the copper reduction tablet? a) polymerized diazonium salt b) copper sulfate c) sodium carbonate d) glucose oxidase B
What cell is MOST commonly assoc w/ vaginal contamination? a) glitter cells b) transitional epithelial cells c) WBCs d) squamous epithelial cells D
Urinary calculi most often consist of: a) cystine b) leucine c) uric acid d) calcium D
Small round objects found in a urine sediment that dissolve after addition of dilute acetic acid & that don't polarize MOST likely are: a) air bubbles b) calcium oxalate c) RBCs d) yeast cells C
Tiny colorless, dumbbell-shaped crystals are found in an alkaline urine sediment. They MOST likely are: a) calcium oxalate b) calcium carbonate c) calcium phosphorus d) amorphous phosphate B
A clean-catch sample is submitted to the lab for routine urinalysis & culture. The specimen is not "poured off" for the routine urinalysis, which is done first. The specimen is then sent to microbiology for culture. The specimen should: a) be centrifuged & the supernatant cultured b) be rejected due to possible contamination from the routine urinalysis c) not be cultured if no bacteria are seen on the routine urinalysis d) be immediately processed for culture regardless of urinalysis results B
The principle of the rgt strip for urine protein depends on : a) protein error of indicators b) an enzyme rxn c) the toluidine rxn d) copper reduction A
After receiving a 24-hr urine sample for quantitative total protein analysis, the tech must 1st: a) subculture the urine for bacteria b) add the appropriate preservative c) screen for albumin using a dipstick method d) measure the total volume D
In addition to the sperm count in a fertility study, analysis of seminal fluid should also include a) time of liquification, qualitative test for hgb, motility b) time of liquification, test for acid phosphatase, qualitative test for hgb c) motility, morphology, test for alkaline phosphatase d) time of liquification, estimation of motility, morphology D
The principle mucin in synovial fluid is: a) hyaluronate b) albumin c) orosomucoid d) pepsin A
Urine osmolality is related to: a) volume b) specific gravity c) filtration d) pH B
To avoid falsely elevated CSF counts: a) use an aliquot from the 1st tube collected b) use only those specimens showing turbidity c) centrifuge all specimens before counting d) use an aliquot from last tube collected D
A positive result for bilirubin on a rgt strip should be followed up by: a) notifying the physician b) requesting a new specimen c) performing an Ictotest d) performing a urobilinogen C
A urinalysis performed on a 2-wk old infant w/ diarrhea shows a neg rxn w/ the glucose oxidase rgt strip. A copper reduction tablet test should be performed to check the urine sample for the presence of: a) glucose b) galactose c) bilirubin d) ketones B
Amniotic fluid is immediately protected from light to preserve which of the following substances? a) phospholipids b) meconium c) fetal cells d) bilirubin D
In CSF, which of the following indicates a traumatic tap? a) the presence of erythrophagocytic cells in the CSF b) hemosiderin granules w/in macrophages in the CSF sediment c) an uneven distribution of blood in the CSF collection tubes d) a xanthochromic supernatant following CSF centrifugation C
A synovial fluid specimen has a high cell count & requires dilution to be counted. Which of the following diluents should be used? a) phosphate buffer solution b) dilute methanol c) normal saline d) dilute acetic acid C
Which of the following parameters best IDs a fluid as a transudate or exudate? a) its color & clarity b) its leukocyte & differential counts c) its total protein & specific gravity d) its total protein ratio & lactate dehydrogenase ratio D
Ammonium sulfate was added to red urine. The urine had a positive rxn for blood, but no RBCs were seen on microscopic exam. After centrifugation, the supernatant fluid is red. The abnormal color is caused by a) pyridium b) myglobin c) hemoglobin d) porphyrins B
Urine that develops a port wine color after standing may contain: a) melanin b) porphyrins c) bilirubin d) urobilinogen B