Study Guide For Anatomy And Physiology I Final

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What is a nerve? A bundle of hundreds to thousands of axons, C.T and blood vessels that lies outside the braind and spinal cord.
Spinal Cord Contains 31 pairs of spinal nerves
Ganglia "Swelling or knot"

Small masses of nervous tissue, mostly body cells of neurons, outside the brain and spinal cord.
Associated with cranial, spinal nerves.
`Enteris plexuses The extensive networks of neurons in walls of organs and GI tract.
Sensory receptors Dendrites of sensory neurons, or separate, specialized cells that monitor chainges in internal, external environments.

Photoreceptors in retina of eye.
Functions of nervous system Carries out complex tasks: sensing smells, producing speech, providing signals that control body movments, etc.
Sensory function Sensory receptors that detect internal stimuli:
Inc. in blood acidity
raindrop landing on arm.
Sensory (Afferent) neurons Carry information from lower level to higher level in spinal cord and brain.
Integrative function Intergrates (processes) sensory information by analyzing and storing some of it and making decisions.
Interneurons Many neurons that participate in integration.
The axons extend only for a short distance, contact nearby neurons in brain, spinal cord or ganglion.
Motor function Responding to integration decisions.
Effectors Cells and organs contacted by motor neurons in cranial and spinal nerves.
Central nervous system (CNS) Brain and spinal cord: Thoughts, memories and emotions.
Peripheral nervous system (PNS) All nerves, except brain and spinal cord. Include cranial, spinal nerves, their branches, ganglia and sensory receptors.
Axillary nerve Supplies the deltoid and teres minor muscles.
Ipsilateral on or relating to the same side (of the body)
Down middle
Epigastric region
Top middle
Hypogastric region
lower middle
illiac region
lower left/right side of nines
Lumbar region
middle left/right side of nines
Anatomincal position Standing erect, with feet and palms facing forward.
Polyunsaturated fats contain more than 1 dbl covalent bond between fatty acid carbon atoms.
e.g: canola, linoleic, corn, safflower and soybean oil.
tRNA Transfer RNA - carries amino acids into ribosomes and bonds with mRNA for protein production.
Integral protein Permanently attached to the biological membrane.
Selective permeability will allow certain molecules or ions in via diffusion or facilitated diffusion.
Active transport Based on size
Requires ATP
Goes against concentration gradient
Hypertonic solution "greater than"
Higher concentration of solutes.
Cytoskeleton Structure: proteins, microfilaments (actin), intermediate filaments (keratin), microtubles.
Functions: support, transport (secratory granules, organelles)
Mitochondria Cellular respiration
ATP production
Self replicatin
Ribosomes Structure: RNA, protein, lg subunit, sm subunit
Function: mRNA & tRNA, protein synthesis
Centrosome Involved in cell division (mitosis/meiosis)
Cilia and Flagella Aid in cell movement
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) Structure: NO RIBOSOMES, dbl membrane
Function: synthesis of non-proteins, transport, storage
Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) Structure: dbl membrane, phospholipids/proteins, ribosomes
Function: site of protein synth, transport, temp storage
Golgi Apparatus Structure: phospholipids, proteins
Function: packaging, concentrating, assembly, etc of cell products.
Lysosome Structure: H+ ion pumps, enzymes
Function: digestion, worn out membranes, worn out organelles, microorganisms, autophagy, heterophagy
Microvilli Structure: actin
Function: increases surface area
Nucleus Structure: nuclear envelope, nucleoli, chromatin
Function: controls protein synthesis, Cell division (mitosis/meiosis)
Plasma membrane Structure: phospholipid bilayer, cholesteral, protein, carb
Function: Separation, transport, reception, recognition, enzyme location
Epithelial tissue Line the cavities and surfaces of structures. Most glands are formed from epitheliul tissue.
Serous membrane A smooth membrane consisting of a thin layer of cells which excrete serous fluid.
Hyaline cartilage A cartilage with a homogeneous matrix. It is the most common type, occurring at the articular ends of bones.
Collagen fibers "colla = glue"
Very strong, resists pulling forces, but not stiff. Promotes tissue flexibility.
Exocrine glands Glands that secrete their products into a duct.
Lacuna Small space containing an osteocyte in bone or chondrocyte in cartilage.
Stratum basale The deepest epidermal layer, where mitotic activity occurs.
Layers of skin stratum corneum
  • stratum licidum
  • stratum granulosum
  • stratum spinosum
  • stratum basale
keratin Tough and insoluble.
Hair and nails are made of keratin
Pacinian corpuscles Sensitivity to deep pressure touch.
Cuticle Dead layers of epidemal cells or keratinocytes
Acne Inflammation of sebacious glands
Types of burns 1st degree - damage to epidermis
2nd degree - damage to epidermis and dermis
3rd degree - damage to epidermis, dermis and hypodermis