Answer The Following Archaeological Theory And Paradigms Flashcards

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What is low-level theory? Observations and interpretations that emerge from hands-on archaeological field and lab work
What is middle-level theory? Hypotheses that link archaeological observations with the human or natural processes that produced them
Which theory (low-, middle-, or high-level) makes the transition from the archaeologically observable to the invisible? Middle-level theory
What is high-level theory? Theories that seek to answer large "why" questions
What are the two basic paradigms in modern archaeology? Processual and postprocessual
Which paradigm views culture from a systemic perspective? Processual
Which paradigm attempts to remain ethically neutral and explicitly nonpolitical? Processual
Which paradigm sees knowledge as historically-situated? Postprocessual
Which paradigm focuses on the ideas, symbols, and mental processes behind human behavior? Postprocessual
Which paradigm rejects the search for universal laws? Postprocessual
What is the compromise between processual and postprocessual paradigms? Processual-plus