Suffixes, Prefix & Combining Form

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-ase enzyme
-chezia defacation;elimination of waste
-ectasia, ectasis stretching, dilation & widening
-ectomy removal
-emesis vomitting
-genesis producing forming
-graphy process of recording
-iasis abnormal condition
-rrhage & -rrhagia bursting forth of blood (think hemorrhage)
-spasm sudden contraction of muscle
-stasis stop, control, place
-stenosis tightening, stricture
-tomy Process of cutting
-tresia opening
cis/o to cut
crin/o to secrete
cycsto urinary bladder
cyt/o cell
ren/o kidney
sarco/o flesh
sect/o to cut
ur/o urinary tract
-genic pertaining to producing
-ac/-al/-ic/-ical/iac/-ior/-eal pertaining to
-logy process of study
-opsy processof viewing
-osis abnormal condition
-pathy disease condition
-sis state of; condition
end-/endo- within
Body cavaties (5) SATPC Spinal/Abdominal/Thoracic/Pelvic/Cranial
Division of the spine (5) ConTroL South Carolina Cervical/Thoracic/Lumbar/Sacral/ Coccygeal
Planes of the Body (TransSagFro) *transexual with a sagging "fro" Transverse Plane Sagittal plane Frontal plane
chondr/o cartilage
cervic/o neck (of the body or the uterus)
ili/o ilium (part of the pelvic bone)
inguin/o groin
kary/o nucleaus
sacr/o sacrum
thel/o cell covering the surface of the skin (nipple)
viscer/o internal organs
meta- change
-plasm formation
-somes bodies
acr/o extemities
angio vessel
isch/o to hold back
myel/o bone marrow
ot/o ear
phag/o to eat, swallow
pneumon/o & pulmin/o lungs
staphyl/o clusters
Strept/o twisted chains
-cele hernia
-coccus/-cocci berry-shaped bacterium cocci-pleural= bacteria
-dynia pain
-penia deficiency