Stress Management

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Fight or Flight response The body's Stress reaction that includes an increase in heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, and serum cholesterol.
stressor aka stimuli Something with the potential to cause a stress reaction
General adaptation syndrome The three stages of stress reaction described by Hans Selye.Phase 1: Alarm reactionPhase 2: Stage of resistancePhase 3: Stage of exhaustionstress can be both good and bad
Eustress Good things to which one has to adapt and that can lead to a stress reaction
Distress Bad things to which one has to adapt and that can lead to a stress reaction
Relaxation response A series of bodily changes that are the opposite of the stress reaction.
Autogenic Training A relaxation technique that involves a sensation of heaviness, warmth, and tingling in the limbs.
Progressive relaxation A relaxation technique that involves contracting and relaxing muscle groups throughout the body.
Bracing The contracting of muscles for no obvious purpose.
Neuromuscular relaxation Another term for progressive relaxation.
Strain The physical, psychological, and behavioral outcomes of stress reactivity.EX: headaches, backaches/ Agoraphobia/Alcohol abuse
Herbert Benson Studies transcendental meditationhelped reduce his patients' level of high blood pressure with a meditative technique
Start of Chapter 9Mandala A geometric figure used as the object of focus during meditation
Nadam Imagined sounds used as the object of focus during meditation
Mantra A word used as the object of focus during meditation.
Koans Unanswerable, illogical riddles used as the object to focus during meditation
Pranayama A Hindu practice that involves breathing as the object of focus during meditation
Anapanasati A Zen practice that involves counting breaths as the object of focus during meditation
Relaxation response The physiological state achieved when one is relaxed: also called the Trophotropic response
Trophotropic response The physiological state achieved when one is relaxed; also called the relaxation response.
Meditation Is a simple mental exercise designed to gain control over your attention so you can choose what to focus upon. Its focusing on something repetitive or something unchanging.
Autohypnosis Being able to place oneself in a hypnotic state
Autogenic meditation Visualization of relaxing images used during autogenic training.
Jacobsonian Relaxation A relaxation technique involving contracting and relaxing muscle groups throughout the body; also called progressive relaxation or neuromuscular relaxation.
6 initial stages of Autogenic training: heaviness in the limbs, warmth in the limbs, heaviness and warmth in the area of your heart, regular breathing, sensations of warmth in the abdomen, and sensations of coolness in the forehead.
Biofeedback The use of electronic instruments or other techniques to monitor and change subconscious activities, many of which are regulated by the autonomic nervous system.
Electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback Biofeedback that measures muscle contraction.
Thermal biofeedback Biofeedback that measures temperature.
Diaphragmatic Breathing Deep breathing that expands that belly rather than just the chest.